Country Level MDA Structure
Purpose of the Advisory Group Who shall do the assessment? What needs to be done and how shall this be done? Diversity of the Advisory Group gives strength and advantages to give collaborative support for the MDA. Need to ensure that each area is assessed professionally and cover central issues of EFA. Assistance is also needed in many aspects, including in human resources. Need to form a drafting committee for a joint coordinated and collaborative framework for action.
Some questions and points for consideration There are many INGOs that have excellent education advisors. UNICEF has many senior specialists at the country level. How do we harness them? The composition of committees per country will differ. Assistance is also needed in countries where there is no UNESCO presence and where the challenges are more than the opportunities. At the country level, the MoE will take the lead and NGOs agree to be partners. But at sub-regional level, what will be the arrangement? Will UNICEF and UNESCO group countries together and form the sub-regional working group?
Some questions and points for consideration There are existing national/regional/sub-regional forums that can be tapped into instead of forming a new one. In South Asia, the EFA forum is not very active. But an alternative is the SAARC or South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation, which includes India, Nepal, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, Maldives and Sri Lanka. Afghanistan may also join SAARC.
Other suggestions/concerns Give emphasis on advocacy Involve groups that can provide financial support for this assessment process (e.g. the World Bank). Invite parliamentarians/legislators to be involved in the assessment at the national level to get political and legislative support.
National MDA Task Force Example: Nepal EFA MDA Committee Name Designation Secretary, MOES & NatCom Sec.Gen. Coordinator Director, DOE Planning Member Secretary Joint Secretary, NPC Education Sector Member Joint Secretary, MOES Planning Member Director General, DOE Member Executive Director, NCED Member Executive Director, CDC Member Director, NFEC Member Deputy General Secretary, UNESCO NC Member Dr. Hirdaya Ratna Bajracharya, CERID Member Dr. Kedar Nath Shrestha, K.U. Member Dr. Bidhya Nath Koirala, T.U. Member Rep. National Dalit Commission Member Rep. National Women Commission Member Rep. MOWCSW Member UNESCO Advisor