TOPICS TO BE COVERED Personality traits and leadership Traits of effective leaders Personality profile of effective leaders Leadership attitudes Ethical leadership
Personality traits and leadership A combination of traits that classifies an individual’s behavior Develop based on genetics and environmental factors Traits Distinguishing personal characteristics; intelligence, honesty, self-confidence, appearance A trait is a specific component of personality that describe how people feel, think and act in certain ways such as shy, easy going, critical and other. Traits: identify the traits effective leaders possessed – personality, physical abilities, social, and work-related characteristics. Personality: affects behaviour as well as perceptions and attitudes – knowing personality helps explain and predict behaviour and job performance.
Personality traits and leadership The Big Five Model of Personality Surgency Agreeableness Adjustment Openness to experiences Conscientiousness
Personality traits and leadership The Big Five Personality Dimensions 1.Surgency (Extraversion) Includes leadership and extroversion traits. Commonly called dominance personality traits want to be in charge (leading through competing and influencing) 2.Agreeableness Includes traits related to getting along with people such as easygoing, friendly and sociable 3. Adjustment (Emotional stability) Includes traits related to emotional stability such as self-control, being calm, good under pressure, relaxed. 4. Openness to experiences Includes traits related to being willing to change and try new things 5. Conscientiousness Includes traits related to achievement such as credibility, conformity (focus on few goals, in purposeful way)
Traits of effective leaders surgency conscientiouness agreeableness Openness-to-experience adjustment Openness-to-experience adjustment
Personality profile of effective leaders (identify individual stronger and weaker traits – categorize people in predicting job success ) Achievement Motivation Theory – (David McClelland, 1940) explain & predict behavior and performance based on a person’s need for achievement, power, and affiliation. The need for achievement (n Ach) – unconscious concern for excellence (internal locus of control) The need for power (n Pow)– unconscious concern for influencing others and seek positions of authority. The need for Affiliation (a Aff)– unconscious concern for developing, maintaining, and restoring close personal relationships. 2. Leader Motive Profile (LPM) – high need for power, which is socialized greater than the need for affiliation and with a moderate need for achievement. Power – influencing followers Socialized power – used personal gain at the expense of others, help oneself/others. Achievement – seek individual achievement Affiliation - acceptance David beliefs that we have needs and that our needs motivate us to satisfy them – our behavior thus motivated by our needs (unconscious process). He further states that needs are based on personality and are developed as we interact with the environment.
Combination of traits and profile of effective leaders The Big Five Model Nine Traits Profile of effective leaders Surgency Dominance Need for power Agreeableness Sensitivity to other Need for achievement Adjustment Stability Socialized power Conscientiousness High energy, self confidence, integrity Openness to experiences Internal locus of control, intelligence, flexibility No separate need, included within other needs
Leadership attitudes Attitudes are positive or negative feelings about something (people, things and issues). Attitudes have an important influence on behavior and performance Example : If you have high need for achievement (positive attitudes), you may work hard to succeed
Leadership attitudes Theory X and Theory Y By Douglas McGregor Explain and predict leaders behavior and performance based in leader’s attitudes about follower Theory X Negative attitudes Theory Y Positive attitudes Employees dislike work – most be closely supervised, pessimistic, autocratic leadership styles, external means of control (threats and punishment) Employees like work – no need closely supervised, optimistic, participative leadership styles, internal motivation and reward
Leadership style based on attitudes Leadership attitudes Leadership style based on attitudes Theory Y attitudes Theory X attitudes Positive self-concept The leader typically gives and accept positive feedback, expects others to succeed and lets others do the job their way The leader typically is bossy, pushy and impatient, does much criticizing with little praising, and is very autocratic Negative self-concept The leader typically afraid to make decisions, is unassertive, and self-blaming when things go wrong The leader typically blames others when things go wrong, is pessimistic about resolving personal or organizational problems, and promotes a feeling of hopelessness among followers
By J-Sterling Livingston Leadership attitudes The Pygmalion Effect By J-Sterling Livingston Proposes that leader’s attitudes towards expectations of followers, and their treatment of them, explain and predict followers’ behavior and performance “Effective leaders set clear standards and expect the best from their followers”
Positive or negative attitudes people have about themselves Leadership attitudes Self-Concept Positive or negative attitudes people have about themselves Developing a more positive attitudes and self-concept Consciously try to have and maintain positive, optimistic attitudes Realize that there are few, if any benefit to negative attitudes about other and yourself Cultivate optimistic thought If you catch yourself complaining being negative in any way, stop and change to positive attitudes Avoid negative people especially any that make you feel negative about yourself Set and achieve goals
Leadership attitudes Focus on your success Accept compliment Don’t belittle accomplishments or compare yourself to others Think of yourself Be a positive role model When thing goes wrong and you’re feeling down, do something to help someone who worse off than you
Ethical Leadership The standards of right and wrong that influence behavior Concern to both managers and employees Code of ethics - should provide assistance in making ethical decisions.
Principles of ethical leadership Respects Others Builds Community Ethical Leadership Serves Others Manifests Honesty Shows Justice
How Personality Traits and Attitudes, Moral Development, and the situation Affect Ethical Behavior Ethical behavior is related to individual needs and personality traits Moral Development Our ability to make ethical choices is related our level of moral development (right from wrong) The Situation Highly competitive and unsupervised situations increase the odds of unethical behavior
Simple Guide to Ethical Behavior Golden Rules “Don’t do anything to other people that you would not want them to do to you” “Let others as you want to be led” Four-Way Test When making decision try to answer these four questions: i. Is it the true? ii. Is it fair to all concerned iii. Will it built good will and better friendship iv. Will it be beneficial to all concerned?