Welcome to our Fourth Grade Curriculum Night, Please Sign In on the desk in the back of the room 2. Want to receive the daily planner via text or app and last minute or urgent announcements? First text: 81010 andmessage: @2016room31 Then text: 81010 and message @dailypict OR directions are on the back of your child’s Class DOJO Letter on their desk Hello. My name is
Details, Details, Details…. *Website *Buy Lunch = Create an electronic account *E-Blasts *Book Orders *Teacher Availability/Contact *Disinfecting Wipes/Kleenex *Safety Job Applications *Conference Sign-Up in Little Theater Details, Details, Details….
Fourth Grade Expectations… *Increased Independence: Gradual Release *Website *Growth Mindset *Leader in Me: Adapted from Stephen Covey Programs *Class Dojo and Class Credit Card
Fourth Grade Expectations… *Homework *Planner/Leadership Binder -if you want a copy of my planner sent to you daily, and you haven’t already text me: Text: 81010 Message:@dailypict *Assessments: Weekly Word Study with test Friday, other tests generally 4-7 days notice
Writers’ Workshop *Begin with “Expanding Expression Tool” and 7-Up Sentences *Writing across the curriculum -Includes Science and Social Studies -5 paragraph essay *Sharing *Edit, revise, and publish for a purpose *Genius Hour
Readers’ Workshop *Reading units include… Reading Matters Analyzing Characters Non-Fiction Reading Matters *40 Book Challenge due in June-@ 10 books per marking period *Should be reading 120-140 pages weekly (Home and School Combined, 10-15 pages in 20 minutes)
At Home…. *Encourage “Just Right” reading *Help with book selection *Encourage and monitor a variety of texts *Talk about and review book with child *Wax Museum Project around March
Math *Areas covered: Numbers & Operations in Base Ten *Everyday Math Updated program *Areas covered: Numbers & Operations in Base Ten Number & Operations - Fractions Geometry Measurement and Data Operations & Algebraic Thinking +NEW: Theory and explaining
At Home… *Website has Everyday Math Link *Study Link homework: 15 Minute Rule *Interactive Notebook *Many different methods taught *Study Guides provided for each test *Ongoing basic facts practice
Science *Science units Organisms in Their Environment: Energy Transfer Project Based Assessment with Animal of their choice native to Midwest Energy Transfer Project Based Assessment and brief test with creating a circuit along with a Landmark from US Regions States of Matter A View from Earth
Social Studies *US Regions *Project Based Learning Activity with Energy Unit in January or February
Word Study Integrated *4th Grade Sight words/Must know-I will upload to my website under “ 2016-2017 Resources and Assignments” *Vocabulary *Sorts teach patterns starting with simpler sorts while we establish routines
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