Erich Maria Remarque By, Ms. Houselog
The Soldier Life… Erich served as a German soldier at 18. He was sent to the Western Front. In July 1917 he was wounded while retrieving an injured soldier during an attack.
After The War… Erich remained unsettled by his experiences from the war. The young people, including Erich, had a pessimistic and uncertain outlook on life and society after the war.
All Quiet on the Western Front An international best-seller published in 1929. The book is revered for its “eyewitness authenticity”.
The Backlash… In 1933 the novel was one of the first books burned by the Nazis. The Nazis also revoked his German citizenship in 1938.
The End of Erich’s Life… He was living in both the United States and Switzerland. His well-known friends were Greta Garbo, Charlie Chaplin, and Ernest Hemingway. He died of a heart attack in 1970.