Warm Up # 17 What is a “Muckraker” and how did they exemplify the Progressive Movement?
Labor Issues of the Progressive Era
Process Read through the primary source documents Discuss with your group Answer the questions Pg. 4 (Class docs) Pg. 12 (Workbook)
Describe what the major issues are with each of the following topics. Warm Up # 18 Describe what the major issues are with each of the following topics. Childe labor Working conditions Rise of Organized labor
Triangle factory fire https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BVkc4AZUUKY&list=PL002B377BE0288F6C
Crash Course: The Progressive Era https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i0Q4zPR4G7M
Synthesis When your group has completed the analysis of your primary sources, use your findings to answer these questions about the Progressives: What problems do Progressives seem to be trying to solve? Who – individuals and organizations – were the Progressives? How did Progressives get people to care about their problems? What solutions did they advocate?