Food safety and food law enforcement in Switzerland
Organization Food law enforcement in Switzerland Federal Department of Economic Affairs, Education and Research Federal Department of Home Affairs Federal Food Safety and Veterinary Office (CCA) Federal Office for Agriculture (CCA) Cantonal food chemist (RCA) Cantonal official veterinarian (RCA) Cantonal office for agriculture (RCA) Legislation Enforcement
Food control at the cantonal level Cantonal official veterinarian (RCA) SLAUGHTER-HOUSE DOOR Cantonal food control authority (RCA) Animal health and welfare Control of food production, HACCP and own-check systems at factories, stores, restaurants, etc. Control of animal breeding Zoonoses prevention Control of milk production Control of animals before and after slaughtering Control of slaughter-houses hygiene Control of food products (including meat, meat products and water)
Food law enforcement in Switzerland Federal Food Safety and Veterinary Office Federal office for agriculture Customs Federal office of environment Zoonoses prevention Prevention of contamination of meat and animal products Food safety Food authenticity Primary production Organic foods Geographic labels Specific labels Imported goods Water pollution Soil contamination Association of Swiss Cantonal Chemists (Board of directors of cantonal food control authorities) point of contact for many items with many institutions
Proximity of food businesses Food law enforcement in Switzerland The advantages of a decentralized system Proximity of food businesses Think global, act local! Small reaction time in case of emergency Good knowledge of regional food trade 2 federal offices (regulation) Easy access to regional courts of justice for prosecution 20 cantonal food control authorities (enforcement) Sharing of scientific competences through networking
Cantonal food control authorities: resources Product controls: ~ 310 Full Time Equivalents Process controls: ~ 220 Full Time Equivalents Costs: ~ 80 Mio EUR ~ 100 Mio CHF ISO 17020 All laboratories and almost all inspection bodies are accredited ISO 17025
Resources central control authority Risk assessment: ~ 30 Full Time Equivalents Risk management: ~ 27 Full Time Equivalents Support (law, IT etc): ~ 25 Full Time Equivalents costs: ~ 20 Mio CHF ~ 17 Mio EUR
Resources food control CH ~ 100 Mio EUR ~ 610 Vollzeitstellen 100 Mio EUR / 8.4 Mio inhabitants results in 12 EUR / head
Product controls (analyses) 2016 Overview official controls
Product controls (analyses) reasons for objections others residues fraud hygiene
Inspection of the production Process controls (inspections) Inspection of the production HACCP concepts and own-check systems Quality control documents Traceability Alert and withdrawal procedures Training of staff Handling and processing Environment Buildings Equipment and devices Inspection of the facilities Inspection of the products Storage Labelling Sampling for analyses
Process controls (inspections) 2016
Process controls (inspections)