Obj. What events led to the outbreak of WWI?
Announcements SOCRATIC SEMINAR Tomorrow ABOARD Assessment Make up points
Causes of WWI What does the author mean by “ the world was their oyster”? List 3 devastating effects of WWI? What issues motivated Germany to make an alliance? In addition to alliances how did European leaders created even more tension? What motivated the Black Hand to assassinate archduke? How did Austria’s actions led to the outbreak of WWI? Who should be blamed for WWI and explain why?
Militarism When a country increases its military strength and amount of weapons
Alliances When countries agrees to support one another in times of war
Imperialism When countries colonize other parts of the world for their own economic/political benefit
Nationalism When citizens feel extremely patriotic towards their country and are willing to defend it at all costs!
Obj. How did the first years of the war create the conditions for Trench warfare? Cornell Notes The romantic view of the War The Great War The Schifflen plan Stalemate on the Western Front The Trench and No Man’s Land All Quiet on the Western Front - Analysis 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.
Announcements Happy Birthday: Marisol Saenz Homework due: Wednesday
The Great War When WWI began it was known as “The war to end all wars” Due to its: size (over 28 nations), strength (new industrial technology) Passion (Rise of nationalism)
The Romantic View of the Great War Describe Hodgson’s feeling before the war? How does this poem display a romantic view of the war? Romanticism: a style of literature that emphasizes emotion and imagination… think #utopia
The Schliflen Plan and the Start of WWI In 1914, Germany began to execute their Schlieffen Plan: GOAL: Avoid a two-front war knock-out France quickly by moving troops through Belgium After defeating France, move to defeat Russia “Soldiers would be home by christmas”
“Belgium is a country, not a road” Stalemate on the Western Front Belgium denied permission to the Germans in 1914 August Great Britain declared war on Germany for violating Belgian neutrality British troops quickly arrived and stopped the German advance creating a stalemate from the Atlantic ocean along the French- German border “Belgium is a country, not a road”
The Trenches and No Man’s Land Soldiers “Dug-In” making trenches 6-8 feet deep; protected by barbwire and machine guns The land between the Allied powers and Central powers’ trenches was titled No-Man’s land, were few made it back alive from 1915-1918
All quiet on the Western Front Read the “All Quiet on the Western Front” Cur- Aggressive dog Encrusted – Frozen in time Feeble- lacking strength Mortar – similar to a bomb Convulsed – violent 5. How does AQWF differ from the romantic view of the war? 6. What will it take for each side to win the war?
The Homefront and changing role of women
Obj. How did Total War impact countries domestically? Cornell Notes Total War on the Home Front Total War: Politically Total War in the colonies Total War: Economically The Changing Role of women during the war 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.
Announcements Happy Birthday: Andy Silva Homework due: Tomorrow
Total War on the homefront As the war became more violent, WWI quickly turned into a “TOTAL WAR” TOTAL WAR: When governments mobilize (use) all available resources towards the war effort
Total War: Politically Politically, leaders restored absolute power within their countries: Suspended constitutions Limited Free Speech Issued curfews Took control of industries and factories Used propaganda to portray the war as positive
Total War in the colonies Within the colonies, factories and other industries produced products for the war effort Colonial governments also conscripted males from their colonies to fight in the war Some battles of WWI took place in the colonies, particularly in Africa
Total War: Economically In order to produce enough materials for the war, European governments : mandated FULL EMPLOYMENT Rationed food (limit the amount of food you can have) Controlled prices In order to replace men, pushed women into the workplace
The Role of Women during WWI 1.Prior to the war, what role did women have economically? 2.What made the war time so difficult for women? 3.What made the munitions factories so dangerous? 4.How did total war have negative impact on women’s lives in Italy and Germany? 5.How did women’s war efforts benefit women after the war? 6.How did WWI create a conflict between men and women?
Obj. How did the Treaty of Versailles impact the post WWI years?
Announcements Homework: Due Friday Happy birthday: Raul Ramirez Extra Credit ABOARD Assessment Make up points
The arguments of the "Big 3"
Article Analysis Analyze the various articles of the Treaty of Versailles and make an inferences regarding their effects: Use the table to select which country supported each articles
Closing Question How would the treaty of Versailles cause further problems in the world in the 20th century?