Chapter 16 Exploration: Europe and Asia Lesson 1 European Exploration Begins
I. Europeans look to the East A. 1400’s-Europeans took interest in exploration. Why? 1. Interest in faraway lands and desire to learn about them 2. Merchants were looking for ways to increase trade and wealth 3. Kings and Queens were looking for ways to increase power and glorify their God
B. What led Europeans to know about wonders of the East. 1 B. What led Europeans to know about wonders of the East? 1. The Crusades 2. Marco Polo’s journey and book about China 3. Italian Merchants who had become rich selling goods from parts of Asia
II. Portuguese Exploration Portugal got involved in exploration first because of a desire to find a quicker and cheaper way to Asia Going overland was a long and expensive journey Prince Henry the Navigator-major force behind Portuguese exploration Third son of King John I, born in 1394 Took part in conquest of North Africa-served as its governor and saw the wealth/ trade available
3. He began to push Portugal’s exploration of Africa’s coast to learn more about it and its wealth-1419 4. He started a Navigation school in Portugal and invited the best navigators, mapmakers, sailors , shipbuilders, etc. to come 5. His goal-*Find an ALL water route around Africa to Asia. He financed many of the early trips 6. Fear was a big factor to success. Rough water, wind, fog, and shallow water prevented many of the early trips from sailing past Cape Bojodor, Africa (Gil Eanes, 1434)
7. Henry never sailed on a trip but he provided financial and emotional support to the sailors. He died (1460) before seeing his goal reached D. Bartholomew Dias would round the southern tip of Africa in 1487 (he named the tip the Cape of Storms, his king would rename Cape of Good Hope) E. Vasco da Gama- would sail around the Cape of Good Hope and into the Indian Ocean reaching the port of Calicutt, India in 1498.
III. Columbus sails for Spain After Henry’s death, sailors who wanted to explore had to find financial backing for their trip. Explorers looked to kings If they were given the money, any new land found would be claimed for the country that provided support Christopher Columbus 1. skilled sailor, developed a plan to reach India in the east by sailing west (world is round)
2. Tried for many years to get support for plan and trip (turned down by at least 2 kings) 3. 1492- King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella of Spain agreed to provide support ($$). Any new land found would be claimed for Spain 4. Columbus estimated in a few months time he would reach the Indies (island of Asia) 5. Columbus led his three ships(Nina, Pinta, and Santa Maria) to an island in what is now the Carribbean (Hispaniola) 10/12/1492 6. Later it was proven that he was not in Indies but had discovered new land. Would try 3 more times to prove theory
IV. Other Explorers look West Amerigo Vespucci- 1. Italian trader who wrote a book claiming he reached and explored the coast of South America in 1497 2. German mapmaker read book about the time he was adding the new continent to map and called it America
B. Vasco Nunez de Balboa 1. Spanish explorer who arrived on the Isthmus of Panama in 1511. Heard from natives about an ocean and a land of gold-went in search of it. 2. No gold but found a body of water that had different characteristics than the Atlantic 3. He claimed the water, called it the South Sea, and the lands that touched it for Spain
C. Ferdinand Magellan 1. 1519- set out to achieve Columbus’s unfulfilled goal (thought it would take a year) 2. After many problems, he and his crew reached the Pacific Ocean by 1520 3. In 1521, they landed in the Philippines to get supplies. They got involved in a local war and Magellan got killed 4. His crew continued the journey and returned to Spain in 1522. Returned with 1 ship, 17 men, no Magellan, and no riches
5. His crew was the first to circumnavigate the world and learned a lot about it a. America is not one body of land but two b. Earth is bigger than first thought c. Another ocean exists with its own characteristics-Pacific Ocean D. Henry Hudson 1. To avoid a long journey, explorers began to look for a shortcut through North America 2. The shortcut was called the Northwest Passage-Henry Hudson, an Englishman, searched for it
3. Did not find it, but discovered a river that ran through what is now New York state and named it Hudson River 4. Would not be until 1900’s that a ship would sail from Atlantic to Pacific by sailing north of Canada