Part II: “Argus” and “The Suitors” The Odyssey Part II: “Argus” and “The Suitors”
Historical and Cultural Context Many cultures have practiced slavery Ancient Greeks enslaved prisoners of war How do Eumaeus’s beliefs about servitude and slavery compare with those of our own culture? Eumaeus believed slaves would do poor work if not supervised Our culture believes that enslaving people is morally wrong
Historical and Cultural Context Hospitality was a big deal in Greek culture What conflicting values does the exchange between Antinous and Odysseus reveal? Antinous violates the rules of hospitality while Odysseus treats strangers with courtesy
Historical and Cultural Context Why does Antinous become angry with the beggar? He points out Antinous’s selfish behavior What values regarding the use of physical force are evident in this speech? It is appropriate when defending property, but Antinous is not defending property
Historical and Cultural Context What did Odysseus ask of the Cyclops when they were discovered in his home He hopes the Cyclops would observe the rules of hospitality How is Odysseus’s position similar to or different from what it was in Cyclops’s cave? Odysseus was thinking of robbing the Cyclops (which is not hospitable), but now he believes a penniless beggar is worthy of hospitality