The Odyssey Vocabulary Books 22-24
Hawser Noun: large heavy rope for nautical use Telemachus used a hawser when delivering the punishment for to the unfaithful maids.
Lament Verb: to feel or express sorrow or regret for; to mourn for or over. Penelope lamented the loss of her husband for twenty years.
Skirmish Noun: any brisk conflict or encounter The initial skirmish between Odysseus and the suitors ended up turning into an intense, deadly battle.
Glower Verb: To look or stare with sullen dislike, discontent, or anger. As the maids snuck off to meet the suitors, Odysseus glowered from his bed.
Restitution Noun: reparation made by giving an equivalent or compensation for loss, damage, or injury caused In an attempt to appease Odysseus, Eurymachus promised to pay restitution for all of the goods that the suitors had consumed.