What is a Family?
Belonging to each other sharing love A family is: Belonging to each other sharing love
A family is the __________ ______ Of society Basic Unit
A family is people caring About each other and letting it show
Giving Receiving A family is people _________ and _________ love I tell a story about my teenage son who started playing a fun dodging games when I would try to give him a kiss on the cheek and say I love you. He got so big and strong I could never win, so I had to regroup and figure out a new plan so….. At night after he was in bed, lights out, and he was relaxed for sleep, I would crawl in on my hands and knees, jump up, kiss him on the cheek, say I love you and run out!! He couldn’t do anything about it! Now a grown man with his own family, he tells me and his own family I Love You regularly. Expressing genuine love to family members is very important.
Laughing Crying A family is people _______ and _________ together without feeling ashamed Laughing Crying This a great time to talk about emotions briefly. Should men as well as women be able to cry and not feel ashamed? First, I ask only the girls, if they are comfortable share their thoughts, to raise their hand if they think it is ok for guys to cry, then I ask the guys if they think it is ok. It usually cause some good conversation,but then we end it with everyone needs to be able to feel the broad spectrum of emotions from deep sadness and crying to ecstatic joy and happiness. Being able to feel emotions helps you feel empathy for others and how they feel.
A home is a safe haven where one’s basic ______ and needs are met. Wants Should anyone including adults get everything that they WANT??? NO!!!!! Happiness is not conditional on “things”, rather it is a state of mind decided on by the person to be content with the things they have and working toward the FEW things they would desire to have, beyond basic needs, to share with others that through the relationships with others they may even find more joy. Things to do not bring joy----- People and relationships do!
A family is a unit where ____________ is developed through the help and love of other family members Character I have posters all around my room that I refer to teach this concept. They list lots of different ones, but the ones that I choose to talk about the most are honesty, trustworthy,responsibility, respect, dependability, and self control. I talk about this multiple times during the time I have them in class, trying to emphasis this as extremely important work skills.
How can your actions affect the rest of the family??? When students realize how their actions affect other people and how others actions affect them, they begin to understand how to behave in more positive ways.
Traditional Family Mother Father Children
Extended Family Father Mother Children Grandparents or other relatives
Blended Family Father with child Mother with child Children
Single Parent Family Mother or father With Children
Childless couple Husband Wife
Single Adult Roommates The end of the discussion on types of families, I ask the question, I ask, “Is their one of these types of families that is more successful than the others? “ The answer is in my option, NO! Every family type has problems , disagreements,and arguments. They are normal, difference is how you work together to fix the struggles.
YOU ARE AN IMPORTANT PART OF YOUR FAMILY!!!!! Why are you important to your family? What do you do that causes you to be important? They often have a hard time writing down 10 things they do for their family to be important . They can usually tell you why their family is important to them but not the other way around. It really makes some have to think hard about their actions at home.
How can your actions affect the rest of the family?
List reasons why you are an important part of your family
Family Traditions You could choose to show the slide show again about the family reunion, or you could just bring back the ideas to begin the discussion of what family traditions they have. I usually suggest that family traditions are things that happen in family that are usually done more than once they every one looks forward to doing together. This discussion usually causes a lot of discussion because they all want to . I suggest you may want to have a scribe write them all down then compile a list to either hand out or use as reference. Some families really have great traditions while others need to begin some. Encourage students to help the family begin new ones. Family traditions have a positive effect on strengthening family bonds.
1. Describe 3 family traditions in your family or one you’ve heard about
2. What positive things happen in your family because of these traditions??
3. What new tradition you could you do now or later with your future family.
Supply & Demand Needs & Wants Money FAMILY Business Family Economics Since the family is the basic unit of society, this chart explains why businesses and families works together. Families provide the workers, businesses produce products. Families have needs and wants. Families buy businesses products with the money they earn working for the businesses. Families and businesses have resources to do the tasks that need to be done which are 1- Natural, given to us by the Earth, 2-Human, people doing jobs, and 3-Capitol, things people have made that are used to make other products businesses and families need. All of these resources are limited. The cost of these products evolve around the supply available and the demand for limited products. We talk more about this chart in the economics unit. Work Resources -Natural -Human -Capitol Limited
By Teresa Griffin and OCJH Students The End By Teresa Griffin and OCJH Students From here I go on to PPT about conflict resolution.