If Statement Functions in Excel
What is an If Statement Function? IF Statement is one of the most popular instructions among the Decision Making statements. IF Statement gives the desired intelligence to a program, so that it can take decisions based on a criteria and most importantly decide the program flow. According to Microsoft Excel, IF statement is defined as a function which “checks whether a condition is met, returns one value if True and another value if False”. In plain simple English IF function is an instruction that checks any condition, if the condition is found to be TRUE then it returns a predefined value however if the condition is False, it returns a different predefined value.
If Statement Syntax The syntax of If Function in Excel is as follows: =IF (Logic_Test, Value_if_True, Value_if_False) Here, ‘Logic_Test’ refers to the expression that is to be evaluated. ‘Value_if_True’ is the output of IF Statement if the ‘Logic_Test’ is TRUE. ‘Value_if_False’ is the output of IF Statement if the ‘Logic_Test’ is FALSE.