Mrs. Atkinson 6th grade Math and Science Back to School Night 2011 Mrs. Atkinson 6th grade Math and Science
Contact and Communication Thank you for sharing your children with me each day. I appreciate being able to partner with you. I try to communicate regularly (usually a mass email each Monday or Tuesday and individual emails specific to assignments or individual needs.) If email is not an option for you, please let me know. I will also post the weekly communication on our class website. If I do not get back to you within 2 school days, please contact me again by phone or email. You can reach me via email (best) or by calling the school office.
Homework and Academics There is Math homework every night (Mon – Thurs), because this is an honors class with a quick pace occasional Friday homework may be given, but only as needed. All work must be shown for each math problem & the original problem or equation written out. We have a Math test or quiz most Fridays, other tests are announced early No name = no credit & no late work accepted Grading: 40% tests, 30% quizzes, 20% homework, 10% projects and participation Being prepared for class is part of the participation grade
Our class webpage
Supplies and Organization There is a direct correlation between organized and prepared students and higher scores. Please check your child’s agenda and backpack regularly. The supplies that your child started the year with will not last for the entire year, be sure to keep them replenished. Encourage your child to have all homework, PE clothes, supplies (and often cell phone) in his/her backpack each evening. Ask to see papers as they are completed and/or when they come home. All assignments should be neat, complete, and accurate for full credit.
Helping your Child with homework Please do not do the homework for your child – it is cheating and puts them further behind academically. Please provide time and space for your child to do his/her homework (treat school as his/her “job”) If homework seems to take too long (and the child is actively working on it) – please contact me right away. Use the textbook, student notes from class, our class website, and curriculum videos to assist your child. Check that homework is complete and neat each evening.
Homework scores Math homework is typically 5 points per assignment, 20 points per week. Homework is scored based on the number correct, neatness (including heading and the condition of the paper), and work shown. Credit can only be given for problems with work shown. We review homework in class, it is kept for help & reference, then turned in each Friday and entered into the grade system. Students who review their homework and ask questions do better on tests and quizzes.
Homework Assignments
Homework Scoring Rubric 90% accuracy and neat, with work shown = 5 points 80% accuracy and neat, with work shown = 4 points 60 – 70% accuracy and neat, with work shown = 3 points Strong effort in neatness and following the steps, but lack of accuracy = 2 points Points are deducted for lack of neatness, not showing all steps (as modeled in class examples), incorrect heading, no score, etc. No name = zero
Questions and Answers
Science homework There will be vocabulary words to study almost every night. Vocabulary quizzes are typically on Thursdays -- I would announce if there was a change. Many homework “assignments” are just finishing what was not finished in class or continuing something we started in class. Larger projects are often given 5 – 7 days to complete in order to teach time management and balance between school, family, sports and other commitments.
Science grades 40 % Tests and Quizzes, 40% Projects, and 20% participation (being prepared for class is part of participation). Vocabulary quizzes work out to be a large portion of the science grade, it is important to study. Class work, drawings and diagrams, worksheets, etc. are all graded. Most items are 10 to 20 points, but they all add up. Good effort, Complete work, Neatness and Quality participation = Good science grade
When will I need this?? This is the most common question I hear in school, here is a wonderful explanation I found and give to the students: Only some of the content of this (or any) school course may be applicable later in life depending upon career choices; but the problem solving skills, the ability to struggle through without giving up, and the ability to communicate needs and solutions do transfer to other areas of study and work.
OLE Outdoor Learning Environment This a week to concentrate on scientific learning and appreciation of the area around us through hands on activities. Much more information to come. Fun, Fun, Fun!!
Dress Code and Rules Please buy and encourage clothing that fits in the dress code – I will communicate if your child is wearing something inappropriate in my class. No gum – ever. No cell phone usage during school hours – please don’t call or text your child during school hours. Class rules: Do your job, Allow others to do their jobs , Be respectful, Be safe (this applies to all and works out very fairly)
In case of absence If your child is sick, or absent for another important reason, please call the office. Check our class website for assignments (daily assignments are usually up by noon, definitely by 3pm). If the absence is 3 days or more, contact me or the office and we can have a packet of work ready for you to pick up. Each student has the number of days he/she was absent to make up work. Tests must be made up within a week of absence.
Questions and Answers