Using Quantum Numbers to Describe Electrons Clouds probable location for electrons
Quantum Numbers Four numbers that describe the shape of the cloud. Described using the variables: n, l, m, s.
“n” = the Principle Quantum Number(Energy Quantum #) Corresponds to periodic table’s horizontal row. n = 1 n = 2 n = 3
“n” = the Principle Quantum Number(Energy Quantum #) Higher number, more energy higher number, bigger cloud 2n2 is how many electrons may have that energy
“l” sublevel Found within “n” Sublevels – s,p,d,f Each orbital can have at most two electrons.
“s” spin Quantum Number s = 1/2 is clockwise (up) s = -1/2 is counter-clockwise (down)
Quantum Number Keep in mind are probabilities of finding electrons in certain places doing certain things(spin). n = what energy level (1, 2, 3, 4 . . .) l = what sub-level (s, p, d, or f) m = orientation of orbital (s=1; p=3; d=5; f=?) s = which spin (only two possibilities up or down)
Pauli Exclusion Principle No two electrons ever have the same four quantum numbers in the same atom. Just as no two houses have the same address
Quantum #s n - tells the size and energy l - tells the shape m - tells how the shape fits on the x, y, z axes s- tells about spin.