Regular Expression Acceleration at Multiple Tens of Gb/s Author: Jan van Lunteren, Jon Rohrer, Kubilay Atasu, Christoph Hagleitner Publisher: ICS,2009 Presenter: Jia-Wei,You Date: 2012/5/2
Introduction Our approach is based on a novel type of programmable state machine in hardware, called BaRT-based Finite State Machine (B-FSM) The key focus is on improving the storage efficiency.
Transition Rules
Transition Rule Table a hash index is derived by the address generator from the current state and input value based on the mask stored in the mask register according to (1). Transition rules involving a wildcard condition for the current state, such as rules R0 and R1 in Fig. 1(b), will be handled differently for storage-efficiency reasons, and are stored in the so-called “default rule table”.
Transition Rule Selection Current state: S0 : 00h , S1 : 02h , S2 : 01h S3 : 10h , S4 :04h Mask: S2(0000010b) S3(0010000b) S1 and S4(0000000b)
Pattern matching engine
Experimental result
Performance Xilinx Virtex-4 B-FSM implementation based on six Block RAMs providing a total storage capacity of about 13 KB : four Block RAMs (9 KB) were used for the transition-rule memory, one Block RAM for a combined implementation of the (ASCII-based) character classifier and the default rule table. 16 B-FSMs ran at 125MHz, consuming 33% of available Block RAM. 1Gb/s for each B-FSM.