Reading coverage ELG This is a breakdown of the reading coverage which should be taught to ensure children meet the early learning goals in Reading.
ELG- Reading Concepts: Fluency: Phonics: Talk about structures of a story and expose children to familiar patterns. Familiarise children with character traits and familiar rhyming patterns. Encourage children to read words without oral segmenting. Speed up reading and discuss simple punctuation. Explore rhythm and pace of reading and their effects towards the audience. Children confident in phase 2 and 3 phonics and are beginning to recognise phase 4 ad 5. They read words independently and fluently. ELG- Reading Children read and understand simple sentences. They use phonic knowledge to decide regular words and read them aloud accurately. They also read some common irregular words. They demonstrate understanding when talking with others about what they have read. Comprehension: Common, tricky and high frequency words. Reading: Different texts and features are exposed:- poems, information, story and letters. Expose children to reading with expression and explore the meaning of simple punctuation , . ? ! “ “ Develop understanding, question the children, -predict, infer and interpret. Look at key words and discuss meaning and simple effect on text. Children can recognise and read all tricky words phase 2 and 3 fluently and are beginning to recognise phase 4 and 5. They understand the meaning and the common spelling features.