BOY Accommodations Training 2015-2016
Student Eligibility For All Testing: Must have a current plan Student must be identified as EC/ 504/ LEP on test day Plan must be in date on test day For NC Testing: Must be routinely used During instruction and similar classroom assessments Documented at least 30 calendar days before the test window For PSAT/ ACT/ AP Testing: Must get outside approval See your counselor TSWD p. 26
Modifications vs. Accommodations Modifications change the construct – will not be given on state tests. Accommodations are changes in the way a student accesses instruction or an assessment Give equal access without watering down content Do not change the construct of the assessment May not be provided for score enhancement
Guidelines for Getting or Removing Accommodation Getting Accommodations Request for an Accommodations Plan Committee review Medical Documentation Individual Evaluation Removing Accommodations Request for an removal Documentation of non use TSWD p. 18- 20
Accommodations Refusal Teachers Documents repeat refusals Place the Pink form in the case managers mailbox Case Manager review refusals at the next meeting to evaluate the student’s use of their accommodations
Multiple Testing Sessions More frequent breaks Multiple Days Students must finish in maximum time TSWD p. 95- 98
Scheduled Extended Time For students who need extra time Document estimated extended time, but the student is allowed as much time as needed up to a full school day Must complete test in one day with regular break schedule May not begin testing early, must eat lunch, and travel home at regular dismissal time When a student has too much time to finish an assessment, he or she may engage in non-productive guessing or change answers when they should not be changed TSWD p. 99- 101
Testing in a Separate Room Must document specifics: One-on-One Small Group Maximum 6 (Read aloud by request or to self) Max 12 (Read aloud All or Just separate setting) All students in a small group setting must be receiving the same accommodations TSWD p. 103- 104
Student Reads Test Aloud to Self Test administrator may not help or correct errors the student makes May use whisper phone, PVC elbow pipe, or similar device if used routinely TSWD p. 77- 78
Test Administrator Reads Test Aloud Not allowed on ELA/ Reading tests Must provide implementation specifications: Read Everything Read by Student Request Read Other (i.e. words only on math test) TSWD p. 79- 82
Secure Test -Reads Test Aloud NOT have access to secure test materials prior to the test (Unless in sign language) Should avoid using test administrators from the same content area TA Reads Test Aloud- Read Everything Test administrator must read Item number, Test item, answer choices, Graphs, charts, subscripts TA Reads Test Aloud- By Student Request Student will indicate item number TSWD p. 79- 82
Computer Reads Test Aloud Available for online tests Must state it on the Plan Student clicks on speaker icon next to text to activate read aloud option TSWD p. 83- 85
Mark in Book (MIB) Students with MIB do not transfer their own answers to the answer sheet Students with MIB must not be given an answer sheet to include for constructed response Staff must transcribe responses Must have 1 person transcribe and 2 witnesses TSWD p. 75- 76
Braille Writer/ Slate and Stylus Braille- Submit 3 days prior to CB20 Transcriber’s note included if test item accommodated to be consistent with Braille Student must record own responses May ask student to clarify nonsensical responses Only time this is permitted for any accommodation TSWD p. 45- 47
Magnification Devices Magnifier, monocular, closed-circuit television Students may tire easily, consider Multiple Test Sessions or Scheduled Extended Time Any magnification device normally used during instruction may be used with any state-mandated test. TA may need to remind the student to bring the device to the testing session. TSWD p. 91- 92
Large Print 11” x 17” paper with 22-point font or 1 per page Does the student also need a magnification device? If so this must be documented TSWD p. 49- 51
One Test Item Per Page (OIPP) One item on each 8.5” x 11” piece of paper with standard 12-point font This increases the number of pages TSWD p. 53- 55
Interpreter/ Transliterator Signs/ Cues Test Must be documented for: Directions only Entire test (not allowed on ELA/ reading tests) Interpreter/ Transliterator may review test up to 2 days prior to testing Under secure conditions (3 school personnel) May NOT remove notes/ materials from secure setting TSWD p. 71- 74
Word-to-Word Bilingual Dictionary/ Electronic Translator LEP- Identified ONLY Allowed for all state-mandated tests Except for W-APT and ACCESS Document language and type (paper or electronic) Must be word-to-word or word-to-phrase Must not contain diagrams, written notes, formulas, etc. Must be a published document, not teacher made Make sure student uses paper version all year Electronic devices MUST be approved, send to State and Federal Programs Students should be able to read and write in their native language in order to have access to this accommodation. Acceptable for students scoring 3.0 Developing or 4.0 Expanding May be appropriate for student at any level of ELA proficiency. Students should be taught how to use the dictionary to clarify the meanings. Guidelines p. 30
Medical Exemptions
Medical Exemptions Students who are unable to participate during the entire testing and makeup testing windows due to a significant medical condition or emergency
Medical Exemptions Provide all of the requested information that you can obtain Include all tests the student is required (but unable) to participate in Separate letter for NCFE vs. all other tests Received 200+ in 2013-2014