(A) Measured responsivity of silicon nitride drum with different tensile stress (red square). (A) Measured responsivity of silicon nitride drum with different.


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Presentation transcript:

(A) Measured responsivity of silicon nitride drum with different tensile stress (red square). (A) Measured responsivity of silicon nitride drum with different tensile stress (red square). Black solid line is the membrane model and blue dashed line is the Taylor-approximated membrane model. The tensile stress of each drum could be measured by the resonance frequency, and the minimum detectable absorption cross-section at 633 nm could be derived from responsivity and Allan deviation minimum as noise level. (B) Drum detuning profile and scans of 10-nm AuNPs with different tensile stress of drum (with initial stress of 30 MPa) after oxygen plasma treatment of 10 and 20 s. The marking numbers correspond to the measurements in A. Miao-Hsuan Chien et al. PNAS 2018;115:44:11150-11155 ©2018 by National Academy of Sciences