Challenge: Can you create a picture that has the features of the world God created? Clue: Think about the natural world.
Q What do you notice. Q Which pictures are most attractive Q What do you notice? Q Which pictures are most attractive? Q What do you think about variety? Q How can there be unity in difference, are we all the same? Q What does it mean to be one?
DRIVER WORDS: Gentiles, apostle, disciple, good news and mission. LO/Question: What does it mean to be at one with one another?
What do they mean? Jew Gentile
People who were inspired to follow Jesus Christ and to share in his mission began to be called Christians. They were led and guided by the twelve apostles, who were called by Jesus to proclaim the Good News of God’s love and forgiveness for everyone by what they said and what they did. This was not an easy task. Sometimes there were disagreements about how they should do this, but they resolved their difficulties through prayer and by remembering what Jesus has taught them.
Jesus wanted his followers to live in unity with him and each other.
Role Play Time Gentiles were trying to join the Christian Community. Most of the Jewish Christians were against the idea of converting Gentiles into Christians at the time.
Paul wrote a letter to the churches that he preached in and was trying to convince people that being a Christian is “faith working through love” instead of having to be Jewish first.
Jewish Christians were disagreeing at the fact that it is possible for gentiles to become the followers of Christ without following their rules.
Task: Create own prayer in role as either an Apostle-Paul*, Gentile** or Jew***.