Ancient Mesopotamia and Persia Chapter 2 Ancient Mesopotamia and Persia
-Where civilization originated -Writing “Cuneiform” -Potter’s Wheel Mesopotamia -Where civilization originated -Writing “Cuneiform” -Potter’s Wheel -Sailing vessel or sail boat -Mathematics -Agriculture and irrigation -Urbanization and law
Ancient peoples of Mesopotamia: Sumerians Assyrians Akkadians Babylonians “The Fertile Crescent” “The land between the Tigris and Euphrates” “Persian” “Epic of Gilgamesh”
Warka Vase Alabaster Inanna Temple (Uruk) 3,200-3,000 BCE Iraq
White Temple, Uruk (modern Warka), Iraq 3,200-3,000 BCE
Female Head (Inanna?) Inanna Temple, Iraq 3,200-3,00BCE Marble
Rhyton- Stele- Repousse- Hammered into relief from the reverse side Sumer- Lamassu- Assyrians- Gateway Figures- Auroch-
Ur Ziggurat – Mudbricks- Babylon- Faience- Bitumen- Citadel- Royal Power- Foreshortening- the use of perspective to represent in art the apparent visual contradiction of an object that extends back in space at an angle to the perpendicular plane of sight Foundry (Lost-wax process)- A workshop for casting metal
What is an example of early foreshortening What is an example of early foreshortening? Was twisted perspective in the Prehistoric era a precursor to this in Mesopotamia? Why does this seem to be an important characteristic to early man and to visual artist today in 2017.
Linear Perspective- A mathematical system for representing three-dimensional objects and space on a two-dimensional surface by means of intersecting lines that are drawn vertically and horizontally and that radiate from one point (one-point perspective) two points (two-point perspective) or several points on a horizon line as perceived by a viewer imagined in an arbitrarily fixed position.