Early Traditions from Nigeria: Igbo Ukwu, Ife and Benin 900 A.D.—1897 A.D.
Igbo Ukwu: art of ancient Aristocracy Igbo Ukwu art comes from 3 Archaeological sites in southeastern Nigeria: (Igbo Richard, Igbo Isaiah and Igbo Jonah) -consists of objects made from bronze, terracotta, beads and Ivory -metal objects were made by the lost wax technique -they are believed to date to around 1100 BP(900 AD) -objects discovered in ancient burial chambers, shrines and storage areas -made by sophisticated bronze casting techniques Objects include bronze pendants, bowls, and shells
Flywhisk handle, Igbo Ukwu, Leaded bronze, 1100 BP (900 A.D.)
Triton shell, Igbo Ukwu, Leaded bronze, 1100BP (900 A.D.) Skeumorphic cast of an original object
Roped Vessel on a stand, Igbo Ukwu, Leaded bronze, 1100 BP (900 A.D.)
Ife: Origin of Art and Civilization Art consists of objects in Terracotta, Leaded Brass, & Stone --objects date to 1000-500 BP (1000-1500AD) -art created for the ruling elite
Slightly elongated necks, with rolls of fat Careful modeling Style elements: Idealized naturalism Striation on the face Slightly elongated necks, with rolls of fat Careful modeling Heavily beaded figures with elaborate headdresses Full length figures and busts
Head of an Ooni (probably used in kingship rituals) Ife, (Yoruba) Nigeria Leaded brass 800-500 BP (12th-15th Cent.)
Head of a ritual specialist, Ife (Yoruba) Nigeria Terracotta 700-500 BP (13th- 15th Cent) Outer /Inner Beauty (Ewa/Iwa)
Entwined Royal Couple, Ife, Nigeria Leaded Brass 12th -15th Cent.
Head of a female Ooni Ife (Yoruba) Nigeria Terracotta 800-700 BP (12th -13th Cent)
Found in southwestern Nigeria The Royal Art of Benin Found in southwestern Nigeria Dynasty established by Oranmiyan an Ife Prince -Objects consist of commemorative busts and ritual items for members of the royal family Vast majority of art made in bronze, terracotta, and ivory Early Period (Warrior Kings 1450-1575 i.e 600-400 B.P ) Middle Period (Plaque Period, 1575-1700 i.e 400-300 B.P ) Late Period (Restoration Period 1700-1897 i.e 300-100 B.P )
Busts depict beaded collars Delicately rendered features Style Elements Thin castings, Busts depict beaded collars Delicately rendered features Careful attention to details, in terms of surface ornamentation Bust of Kings and Queen-mothers Plaques, animal imagery etc.
Head, Early Period, 500-600 B.P (1400-1500) Bronze, 8.1/4in.
Warrior Chiefs, Bronze Plaque, 400-300 B.P, 18.7/8 in Aesthetics of Emotional and Social Proportion.
Portuguese Soldier, Plaque Period, Bronze