2013 Eucharistic Congress Parish/School Coordinator Information
We appreciate all you are doing to help insure the success of the 2013 Eucharistic Congress in the Archdiocese of Atlanta On behalf of Archbishop Gregory, Thank You!
Congress Website: Everything you want or need to know about the Eucharistic Congress at your fingertips! Current information Links for Volunteer sign up Individual Track information –Speakers –Times And much more!
NEW for 2013! There will not be a Teen Track this year: We surveyed youth ministers and found: –Most teens attend the Congress with their families –Most teens would rather participate and hear the same speakers as the adults –Most youth groups have multiple activities during the summer months –With the vocations tables in the main building, teens will have more of an opportunity to visit being in the main building
AGAIN THIS YEAR! ADORE! KidTrack Registration –REGISTRATION ON-LINE ONLY! –NO on-site registration! –Parents MUST go on-line to and pre-register their children ADORE! KidTrack model this year –Limited to the first 400 children pre- registered on-line –VOLUNTEER for ADORE! KidTrack at
Promotional Materials *Available in English/Spanish & French/Portuguese* Congress FLYERS must be ordered –ORDERS CAN BE PLACED NOW: Contact Meaghan Schroeder or –FREE of charge –Talk to pastor/principal/business manager for amount needed and –For downloadable PDF flyers go to: coordinators/promotional-materials/
Promotional Materials *Available in English & Spanish The Congress VIDEO must be ordered –ORDERS CAN BE MADE NOW: Online at school-coordinators/promotional- materials/ or Contact Meaghan Schroeder or school-coordinators/promotional- materials/ –FREE of charge –The video is viewable online VERY SOON! –Congress POSTERS –Have been delivered to parishes/schools
T-Shirt Pre-Sales Parishes, schools, preschools Custom name of parish/school on the back Orders submitted directly to the supplier Please use the flyer on-line at content/uploads/2013/03/EC13__BasicTEE_F lyer.pdfor request one from Sue Stubbs at or Shipped directly to the parish or school Order deadline extended to April 29, 2013
Recruiting volunteers needed –At LEAST 15 from each parish with 2 of them in the Kid Track would give us plenty! –Please request that pulpit & bulletin announcements be made often until the registration deadline –Request and organize an after Sunday Mass sign up table or during school car pools! Registration forms can be provided when requested Encourage sign-up on line at –Deadline for Volunteer sign up March 30th Volunteers get free dinner Fri & lunch Sat –This includes you! Your vouchers will be available for Pick-Up at the Volunteer Sign-in table. Volunteer T-shirts provided at check-in –Based on assignment (security, usher, etc.) Volunteers
MAKE CLEAR TO PARISHES/SCHOOLS: Volunteers and Participants: No food or drink may be brought into the GICC per our contract ; you can go to your car to eat/drink, but you cannot bring it into the building. PARKING IS LIMITED! –Consider your parish renting a bus and taking 100+ parishioners to the Congress! Work with parish Business Manager on this –Encourage using MARTA! Details on-line at: –Encourage carpooling GICC Parking & Rules
Altar Server Processions Saturday June 1st Invitations have gone out! 8:30 a.m. Procession –PARKING OPEN: 6:30 a.m. –DOORS OPEN: 7:30 a.m. –Altar Servers may process with their parish groups. See notes for Banner Processions; find your parish Banner in the line- up and join in. 5:00 p.m. Procession –RAIN OR SHINE: 4:30 – 4:55 p.m.: Line up in the hall around corner from Hall A in front of Boardrooms A parent or guardian must be bring the child to the start of the procession, and be present to meet them afterwards. Reserved seating will be provided Questions:
1 st Communicant Processions Saturday June 1st Invitations went out 4/19/13! 8:30 a.m. Procession –PARKING OPEN: 6:30 a.m. –DOORS OPEN: 7:30 a.m. –NO RAIN: 8:00 – 8:25 a.m.: Child dropped off by a parent or guardian in the hallway between Hall A and Spanish Suites Parent or guardians may sit in the rear of the 1 st Communicants reserved seating area Line up first-come, first-serve –RAINING: NO PROCESSION for 1 st Communicants Questions: :00 p.m. Procession –RAIN OR SHINE: 4:30 – 4:55 p.m.: Line up in in the hallway between Hall A and Spanish Suites Child accompanied by a parent or guardian to sit behind them in reserved seating
BANNER Processions Saturday June 1st 8:30 a.m. Procession –PARKING OPEN: 6:30 a.m. –DOORS OPEN: 7:30 a.m. –NO RAIN: 7:30 – 8:25 a.m.: Line up first-come, first-serve outside the building doors in front of Exhibit Hall D Multiple participants may process with your banner –RAINING: 7:30 – 8:25 a.m.: Line up first-come, first-serve inside the building in front of the International Ballroom Participants limited to the banner carrier. 5:00 p.m. Procession 4:45 p.m.: Banner Carriers should be standing by their banners in the hall by 4:45 p.m. Participants limited to the banner carrier. **Any banners left after the Mass run the risk of being discarded – PLEASE remember to retrieve your banner after Mass! Questions:
Please see the web site for all banner specifications: Banners
2012 Eucharistic Congress Contact Sue Stubbs 404 – with general questions