DTM, Epidemiologic, and Migration People, Stages, and Characteristics
Transitions and Stages 1 2 3 4 5 DTM Epidemiologic Migration
Transitions and Stages 1 2 3 4 DTM BR – High DR – High NIR – Low DR – Rap decline NIR - High BR – Rap decline DR – cont. decline NIR - moderate BR – Low DR – Low NIR – Low/ possible decrease Epidemiologic (Abdel Omran) CDR – High Pestilence and Famine CDR – Rap. Decline Receding Pandemics CDR – Mod. Declining Degenerative Diseases CDR – Low, but increasing Delayed Degenerative (Olshansky and Ault) Migration (Zelinsky) High daily or seasonal mobility in search of food High international emigration and interregional migration from rural to urban High international immigration and intraregional migration from cities to suburbs Same as Stage 3