3rd Marking period grade sheet Tuesday’s test items Warm Up: Update Grade Sheet. Check items for Tuesday’s test; note which are still incomplete. 3rd Marking period grade sheet Tuesday’s test items Major Test: AOC Convention Test: Government Daily Veterans Day Poster Lab: Averaging assignment Packet: HA! Ch 8 – Creating Constitution Open Note Quiz: 5.3 & Vocab Constitution Scavenger Hunt Benchmark Homework Study Guide 5.1 Study Guide: 5.2 Vocabulary Ch 5 part B Study Guide: 5.3 Study Guide: 5.4 Chart: Branches of Government Liberty Tree 2 - back PPT: Articles of Confederation Land Policies: Articles of Confederation (map) Vocabulary: Chapter 5 (both) Study Guide 5.3 Study Guide 5.4 Paper Chase Liberty Tree foldable Chart: Branches of Government Warm Ups