State Systemic Improvement Plan Demonstration Site Presented By: Chelsea Saganich Rojas Lead Implementation Coach North Central Early Steps
Lead Implemenation Coach Role created for the Demonstration Site project Train, coach, and support our Direct Service Providers Collect data for the Early Steps State Office .
State Systemic Improvement Plan
Demonstration Site Project The Who, What, When, Where, & Why
3 Global Outcomes: Using Appropriate Actions to Meet Needs Part C, Office of Special Education Programs 3 Global Outcomes: Using Appropriate Actions to Meet Needs Acquiring and Using Knowledge and Skills Developing Positive Social-Emotional Skills Located on IFSP under Assessment Part C, Office of Special Education Programs requested each state to select one of the 3 global outcomes to improve upon
Developing Positive Social-Emotional Skills In collaboration with North Eastern and North Dade, the goal is to demonstrate improvement in Social Emotional outcomes for families enrolled in Early Steps through the implementation of evidence-based practices with our providers
Common Concern “I’m not a behavior therapist. This is outside of my area of expertise!”
Development through Social Interaction Communication: We communicate in order to get our needs met by others. Adaptive: We learn independence through modeling from our caregivers. Motor: We participate in movement in order to explore our enviornment. Cognitive: We enjoy engaging in activities that elicit reactions from others. Social aspects are intertwined in all areas of development and not discipline-specific. The project’s focus is to be more intentional in use of the social elements you already use.
Evidence-Based Practices: The EPIC Model Embedded Practices and Intervention with Caregivers (EPIC Model): Coaching model created out of UF and FSU focused on helping cargivers embed learning opportunities during every day routines and activies with their children Piloted a few years ago at North Central Early Steps and found to be valid and effective in improving child outcomes across all areas of development Focuses on the provider supporting the caregiver’s ability to identify, reflect, and problem solve around their child’s developmental targets With EPIC supported by evidence, the Early Steps State Office is ready to demonstrate if it meets the needs of Early Steps and our families across Florida
Learning from Experts in the Field Provider Benefits Learning from Experts in the Field Set the Stage of what EI looks like in Florida through identified, set practices Compensation
Project Requirements and Time Commitments Selection of 2 Families: Children between 10- 28 months In-home Services Recording and Review: Record home visits Review each video and select one video per month per family for LIC review Submit Documentation: Submit complementary checklist for each video to LIC The family’s 5Q/Visual Model Feedback Sessions: Twice-montly feedback sessions to review videos with LIC via video conference Additional Support: Monthly trainings AEPS Functional Assessments Child Outcome Summary (COS) Time Commitment: Orientation plus 6 months of Implementation Approximately 20 hours per month
Project Status: Cohorts 2017 Project Status: Cohorts first Analyzing Data second Implementation third Recruiting 2019
Thanks! Any questions? You can contact me at (352) 681-2817 &