General Principles of International Law Lecturer: Jiang he
Introduction to general principles Definition (universal acceptance and application, cornerstone) Distinction with Jus cogens(Art.53) The finding of general principles The development of the principles A. Westphalia system B. bourgeois revolution C. World War Two and UN Charter D. Liberation Movement E Times of globalization (sustainable development)
Related instruments or principles UN Charter Art. 1 Purposes and Art.2 Principles The significance of UN Charter Five principles of peaceful co-existence A. Initiation and its background B. Contents of the principles C. Logic in the principles D. Significance of the principles
The principle of sovereign equality of States Westphalia system and sovereign states The liberation tide after the 2nd world war Major components of the principles Development in the era of globalization A. State sovereignty and erga omnes B. State sovereignty and super-state international organization (EU)
The principle of prohibition of the threat or use of force Introduction to the use of force (before and after 1945) Principle of prohibition of the threat or use of force A. subsequent reiteration or interpretation B. aggression Exceptions of the use of force (jus ad bellum) A.Self-defence B.authorisation by UNSC C. Recommendation by GA D. National liberation fights Jus in bello ( Law of The Hague and Geneva )
On other general principles The principle of peaceful settlement of international disputes The principle of non-intervention in internal affairs of any State The principle of fulfillment of international obligations in good faith The principle of international cooperation The principle of equal rights and self-determination of peoples