Welcome to Third Grade Ms. Poling Room 317
About Me I was born and raised in Berkeley County. I graduated from Musselman High School and earned my Bachelor of Arts Degree in Elementary Education from Shepherd University. This is my ninth year teaching third grade; my fifth year here at Mountain Ridge Intermediate. I have a six year old son named Colton. He is playing Peewee football this year.
Class DoJO Class Dojo will be used this year schoolwide. It tracks behaviors, both positive and negative. There is an access code that can be found laying on your desk. PLEASE be sure to visit this app/website and login as a parent. Dojo points that are accumulated will be used to purchase things such as bringing in a stuffed animal for a day. We also have “celebrations” once a class goal is reached. If your child doesn’t have the predetermined amount of points, they will not participate. Example: Once we have 500 points, the class will have an extra recess. In order to participate each individual must have 10 dojo points. Negative points will result in parent contact. If there are more than 5 negative points given in a day a note that needs to be signed and returned will be sent home. After two of these for the same behavior, the student will be written up in WVEIS and sent to the office.
Our Schedule School starts at 8:45. If you are dropping your child off, please be prompt. Arriving after 8:45 will be marked as tardy. 8:50 Specials 9:40 Engilsh Language Arts 10:10 Mathematics 11:40 Science 12:05 lunch 12:35 Social Studies 1:00 Recess 1:30 Reading 3:15 Dismissal ***Tuesday is PE, please wear sneakers.***
Materials #2 pencils 2 1-subject spiral notebooks Loose leaf paper Your child will need the following things for third grade: #2 pencils 2 1-subject spiral notebooks Loose leaf paper Dry erase markers Erasers Folder Glue sticks Scissors Crayons A large pack of Post-Its Highlighters Multiplication flash cards
Third grade curriculum Third grade is a challenging year! The curriculum becomes harder, expectations higher, and students are introduced to the state standardized test at the end of the year. Our class will be switching this year. Students will start their day in my room for Language, Math, and Science instruction. After lunch they will go to Mrs. Simpson for Reading and Social Studies instruction. They will return to my classroom for dismissal. The reading block will consist of a whole group minilesson, guided reading, independent reading, and partner reading. Students will be required to read their story from their basal at home at least once weekly. An optional extra credit assignment will be given every Monday and due by that Friday.
Third Grade Curriculum For Math, the county just adopted My Math. This program has a workbook that contains all that they will need. There will be a homework page that is ripped out with each lesson. Math homework can be expected Monday- Thursday night. There will be a weekly spelling list found in your child’s planner every Monday. Fridays will have a Reading, Language, Spelling, and Math grade. Science and Social Studies test will be more spread out and will be notified about beforehand. Each subject will have a weekly grade. Graded work will come home in your child’s red folder weekly. Grades will be posted on Schoology.
Schoology Schoology is a website that has replaced Engrade. This will be our main form of communication. If you have a question or concern please message me through your schoology account. If you’ve used Dojo in the past, you know that it has a communication component. Dojo is only being used for points, not communication. Grades will be posted weekly to your child’s account. Login information will be sent home.
Teacher Website From Mountain Ridge Intermediate’s website, you can access my teacher website. Click on Teachers and select Kimberlea Poling. Important announcements can be found here. The weekly spelling words will be available here. Under the calendar you will be able to see *dates of Science and Social Studies tests *upcoming events This presentation is there if you want to revisit it. I will update the website as frequently as I can.
Mountain Ridge Intermediate Car Riders- Parents park in back parking lot and go to door 4. You will sign the student out in the gym. A photo ID will be needed. Each student will receive a planner. Homework assignments and notes from me will be found here. Please check your child’s planner and folder daily. Here we offer a STRINGS Program. Mr. Rihn has a table set up near the cafeteria. The PTO also has a table set up in the front lobby. Starting after Labor Day, the school will be selling snacks on Wednesdays and Fridays. Snacks range from $0.50-$1.00 and will be distributed at the end of the day. Absences require a written note within 48 hours of returning to school. Please be sure to send in a note or the absence will be marked unexcused.
Volunteering Berkeley County has changed their policy for volunteering. They now have a Level 1 and Level 2 volunteer. The level 1 will allow you to attend field trips as a chaperone. This requires a background check which has a fee of $19.95. This will be good for two years. After the background check, you will still have to be board approved. You can find directions on how to go about doing this on the county website. The level 2 volunteer is submitting your name to the board for approval. This will allow you to come into the classroom as a volunteer. Examples, to help with a classroom party or do a read aloud. If you payed to be a Level 1 volunteer, that is still good for this year. You do not need to reapply.
Thank You for coming to orientation I look forward to working with you and your child this year!