Earthquake Prevention Tips from Todai For Students We would like to provide some information about Earthquake related disaster prevention measures that are being taken by the University of Tokyo. ※Japanese language guidance from second slide Provided by:University of Tokyo Broadcasting Society
今回の講義内容と到達目標 【Outline and Purpose】 ①Previous Earthquake Damage to University of Tokyo ②Possibility of an earthquake in Tokyo ③What to do if there is a large earthquake ④Measures taken by the university ⑤If you receive an earthquake warning ⑥Safety confirmation ⑦Everyday prevention measures It is important to know what to do if an earthquake occurs, while keeping yourself safe. This presentation will provide information on the chances of a large earthquake occurring, as well as preventative measures that can be taken in order to protect yourself in the event there is a large earthquake. It is important for everyone to know what should be done to keep themselves safe.
Previous Earthquake Damage to University of Tokyo From National Museum of Science and Nature Earthquake Materials Website Image from Earthquake Research Building The Great Kanto Earthquake occurred on September 7, 1923. The University of Tokyo suffered many damages from the earthquake. These pictures are from the current Hongo Campus Earthquake Research Building and the remains of the burnt Law Building. A large fire broke out due to chemicals that spilled in the Medical Departments and caused a fire which burnt 18 buildings on campus including the library. 18 buildings had fire damage Including the library Tokyo Imperial Uni. Law Bldg. remains 資料:東大広報誌 淡青 vol.18 2006.7
Possibility of an Earthquake in Tokyo 平成17年度第一方面師部消防団研修会 関東直下の大地震に備えて Possibility of an Earthquake in Tokyo Earthquakes in Tokyo ※Numbers of causalities by Tsunami not included 1703 Genroku Earthquake 8.2 Magnitude 1855 Ansei Edo Earthquake 7.0 Magnitude Underground Magnitude 7 Earthquakes Sea-based Magnitude 8 Earthquakes 1894 Meiji Tokyo Earthquake 7.0 Magnitude Sea-based earthquakes originating from Sagami Bay that are around magnitude 8 occur ever 200-400 years. This is the same type of earthquake as the Great Kanto Earthquake which occurred in 1923. This was about 200 years after the Genroku Earthquake in 1703. The Kanto area also has underground based earthquakes which are around magnitude 7 about 2-3 times every 100 years . It has been 90 years since the Great Kanto Earthquake occurred so there is a greater possibility of an underground based magnitude 7 earthquake than a Sagami Bay magnitude 8 earthquake. 1923 Great Kanto Earthquake 7.9 Magnitude
Possibility of an Earthquake in Tokyo Below shows a map of predicted strength of an earthquake occurring in Tokyo. Komaba could be seismic intensity Level 6 Hongo could be seismic intensity Level 6 ※The strength was Level 5 during the 2011 Tohoku Earthquake Hongo Komaba How strong would an earthquake occurring under Tokyo be? This map shows data that was released during 2012 to predict the strength of shaking that would be felt by an earthquake occurring from Tokyo Bay. According to this map, both Hongo Campus and Komaba Campus would experience seismic intensity Level 6 shaking. This would be significantly stronger than the shaking that was caused in Tokyo by the March 11 Tohoku Earthquake. Predictions for Seismic Intensity for an earthquake occurring in Tokyo Bay(Released April 8, 2012)
What if while you were in class… Large EARTHQUAKE What would you do if a large earthquake occurred while you were in class??
What to do if there is a large Earthquake? Don’t move during shaking Protect yourself from falling objects There is danger from lights, screens, or projectors falling from the ceiling. ・Hide under a desk ・Cover your head with something hard (Like a bag or book) If there is a large earthquake, it is dangerous to move recklessly. Please stay still while it is shaking. Items such lights or screens may fall from the ceiling so protect yourself by hiding under a desk if possible. If there is no where to hide under, protect your head with a hard object. All buildings at the University of Tokyo have had sufficient earthquake proofing, please remain calm. If you are outside, items may fall from buildings so please stay away from the building walls. ※All buildings at Todai have had earthquake proofing. Please stay calm. ※If you are outside, there is danger from falling glass, stay away from buildings.
Danger in Laboratories Complete safety procedures Getting out of danger is the most important If you are in a laboratory during an earthquake, your first priority should be to protect yourself. After that you should complete safety procedures to prevent spilling of chemicals or overturning of shelves. There are many examples of fires breaking out at universities after large earthquakes For example, during the 1978 Miyagi-ken Oki Earthquake there were three fires that broke out. Of these, 2 were started by spilled chemicals in university laboratories. If a fire starts that cannot be put out, do not remain in the laboratory and call 119 for help. <Fires caused by universities> In the 1978 Miyagi-ken Oki earthquake, 2 out of the 3 fire outbreaks were due to fires from university laboratories. >Tohoku Uni., Science Dept. (Cause) Spilled Chemicals >Tohoku Pharmaceutical Uni. (Cause) Spilled Chemicals Damage to Uni. Of Tokyo due to 2011 Tohoku earthquake
Follow faculty member instructions When it stops shaking Follow faculty member instructions 1st Evacuation Site In front of the building is the first evacuation area After the shaking has stopped, please calmly follow the instructions of faculty members. In front of the building is the 1st Evacuation site. After gathering there and following instruction from faculty members, you will move to the safe 2nd Evacuation site. 2nd Evacuation Site (Safety Area) These differ depending on the Department or School
Everyone is gathered here! When it stops shaking 2nd Evacuation Site (Safety Area) Hongo Komaba I The 2nd Evacuation Site is also called the Safety Area. There are different safety areas depending on the department or school. Everyone is gathered here! Details here
When it stops shaking In most cases, DO NOT go home There may be obstacles in the road and fire danger If you are on campus during a large earthquake, in most cases it is recommended you do not try to return home. Public transportation may be stopped and if you try and walk home obstacles may be blocking the road and there is danger from fires. There may be blackouts at night so do not try to go home if you can avoid it. You should follow the instructions and head to the 2nd Evacuation site. Public transportation is stopped Blackout from no electricity Go to 2nd Evacuation Site
Measures taken by the university In case a large earthquake occurs, there is a headquarters for disaster countermeasures located in every department which will provide appropriate support. →Students should follow instructions given by faculty members. 「University of Tokyo Disaster Counter-measure Rules」 (Excerpt) Clause 20 Department Heads must follow disaster counter-measures in the case of an emergency situation, or when the are determined to be necessary, or if they receive directions to conduct such measures from the University President. The following will explain some of the measures which have been taken by the University of Tokyo. At the university, there have been preventative measures planned in case of a large earthquake which include disaster drills and stocking of supplies in case of an emergency. If an earthquake occurs, disaster prevention measures will be carried out by every department or school. Please follow the instructions of faculty or staff members of the university. Disaster counter-measures handbook 2012 Administrative Disaster Drill Stocks of emergency supplies
If you receive an earthquake warning 「Earthquake Early Warning」 You may only have a few seconds to prepare before shaking starts. Plan to protect yourself The Earthquake Early Warning system monitors earthquake shaking from the epicenter and sends notifications if strong shaking is expected. These warnings can be receive through mobile phone or television, some buildings at the university will broadcast a notification when they are received. You may only have a few seconds to act after receiving the warning so the preparations you can take may be limited. Please act in a way that will most keep you from harm such as hiding under a desk or moving to an area where there is less possibility of following objects. Standing under lights or television monitors can be dangerous so please move away from them. If you are in the middle of conducing experiments, please shut them off using emergency off systems. ・Hide under a desk ・Move from under ceilings with lights ・Stop experiments
notify the university of your safety. Safety confirmation You are member of the university team If an earthquake occurs notify the university of your safety. You are an important member of the University of Tokyo. Please do not forget to notify the university of your safety if a large earthquake occurs. The ways to make this notification differ depending on your department or school, so please confirm the necessary procedures. Please notify your department or school of your safety. Also, please let your family and friends know.
Everyday prevention measures Think about your home, place of work, or laboratory. If you were there when an earthquake occurred, what would you do? →Everyday preparation is essential At home Tokyo Dangerous Areas Map (From Bureau of Urban Development Tokyo Metro Gov. Website) ・Secure furniture ・Stock emergency food and water ・Don’t sleep next to tall furniture ・Check your local evacuation areas Please imagine your house, place of work, or laboratory. If you were there when a large earthquake occurred, what would you do? In order to keep damages to a minimum it is important to think ahead and be prepared. At home, you should stock emergency food and water supplies and make sure that furniture is secured so it does not fall over. In case an earthquake occurs while you are sleeping, you should make sure your bed is not near any tall furniture. The Tokyo Dangerous Area map has been created by the Bureau of Urban Development Tokyo Metropolitan Government . Please check the evacuation sites around your home or other areas that you are frequently visiting. Some areas are more dangerous that others due to building damage or fires, so please make sure to check where these areas are located. 東京 地域危険度マップ Check it out!
Everyday prevention measures At your lab Return chemicals to their shelves Secure shelves which hold chemicals so they do not fall during an earthquake. In your laboratory, please make sure that chemicals are put away after they have been used to prevent them from falling or spilling in the event of an earthquake. Also, make sure that shelves which hold chemicals are equipped with a bar which will prevent them from spilling out. In conclusion, if you are away from school when an earthquake occurs, you may have difficulties returning home, please keep safe places to go in mind as you go about your daily life in Japan and always remember to be prepared.
Thank you for listening That ends the presentation, thank you for listening.