Sam Dawson Course Tutor 24/1/2015 City and Guilds Level 1 Award in preparing to work in Adult Social Care Sam Dawson Course Tutor 24/1/2015
Aims of the lesson To start Unit 129- Awareness of the skills and attitudes needed to work in Adult Social Care. Recap on previous lesson. To explore the skills required to work in Adult Social Care. To explore the attitudes essential to work in Adult Social Care.
Recap on diversity, Equality and cultures
Unit 3- Awareness of the skills and attitudes needed to work in Adult Social Care Develop learner awareness of the skills and attitudes needed to work in Adult Social Care. Working in Adult Social Care requires more than the ability to deliver physical support. Investigate the wide range of skills required to enable individuals to achieve the quality of life they choose. Investigate the attitudes required to work in Adult Social Care. Reflect on own attitudes and skills. Identify areas for development.
Learning outcomes of Unit 3 Assessment criteria 1 Know the range of skills and attitudes essential to work in Adult Social Care 1.1 List skills and attitudes essential to work in Adult Social Care 1.2 Identify own skills and attitudes essential to work in Adult Social Care 1.3 Identify own skills and attitudes that require further development
What do we mean by a skill
What do we mean by a skill The ability to do something and do it well. Communication skills including writing, reading, speaking and listening. Questioning techniques. Ability to understand information in a variety of formats. These skills can be used to gather, record, interpret, share and report information.
Listening skills Takes time and practice. Be patient with people, they may need time to respond. Avoid ending people’s sentences, instead guide and prompt them, using questions. Use observation techniques. Observe people’s body language and expression. When people are listened to they know that their opinions and views are being valued. Listen carefully and ask questions for clarification
Problem solving skills Demonstrates ability to assess situations. Identify problems. Produce solutions. Allow the service user to be at the centre of problem solving as they are the expert.
Team working skills You are able to communicate your thoughts and feelings with other members of staff. “More heads are better than one”. Different values, opinions and perspectives of others. Sharing information. Supporting people consistently. Learning from others.
ICT skills Job hunting and doing your CV. Record keeping. Information seeking. Mobile phones, IPad, Computers. Emails. Presentations (PowerPoint) Online shopping. Social networks. Facebook, Twitter.
Recording skills Communication books. Personal files and records. Care records. Liaison with other departments. Liaison with your colleagues.
Activity In pairs Can you think of any situations where you have spoken to someone and they may have misinterpreted you. Can you think of a message you may have written where someone has taken it the wrong way,
What do we mean by an attitude
What do we mean by an attitude How we think. What we do. What we feel.
Attitudes Being reliable and dependable. People rely on your support and could be at risk of harm and isolation if you let them down and don’t do what is expected of you. Non-discriminatory and non-judgemental. Respecting people’s diversity. Do not stereotype. Responsible and accountable – Duty of care. Policies and procedures of the organisation.
Attitudes Be able to cope with change. Act responsibly within whatever setting that you are in. Be professional. Be accountable for your own behaviour. Demonstrate initiative. Make decisions on your own and take responsibility for them.
Service user support needs Physical needs Emotional needs Intellectual needs Social needs
Activity 4 groups. Each group will take an area of physical, emotional, intellectual and social needs. What do you think these needs are? (20mins to discuss) Feed back to other groups
Physical needs
Emotional needs
Intellectual needs
Social needs