I am closing doors to guide you and keep you safely on my path. You can and have opened doors through your own will and the power of your soul and desires of your heart. Know that I, your Father know your desires, I know your needs in advance and I have plans and destinies that you still do not see. I have not abandoned, left or deserted you.
I have revealed roots of sin in your heart, strongholds that will keep you from walking in true freedom and joy if they are not destroyed at the root. My breaking has seemingly been harsh, but do you not see that is that My hand of discipline is for your good, the heart of a loving Father? Do not allow your vision and purpose to be clouded. Do not forget who I am, what I have done, and what I have promised. You will never walk in faith when you walk in emotion. Emotion will always deceive.
You must find faith in your Spirit Man….in the deepest part of who I created you to be. Your inner place has been cracked through generational sin and curses. The enemy would desire to permanently cripple you by locking you into your emotions. I desire to free you by repairing that altar. The altar is the place of sacrifice and consecration. It must be restored. I would that you would offer your life and ALL that it contains as a sacrifice, not only the areas that you have learned to sacrifice for ministry or areas that you have conquered.
I desire the things that you are ANGERED by, you DOUBT< you FEAR. True sacrifice is the giving of your inner man to the leading of my spirit, not being led by your emotions. I will guide you. I do have direction for you. Do not be tossed to and fro for it will bring fatigue. Wait, let me renew you and breathe fresh upon you. When I move, the doors will open wide and My light will shine. You will walk in My strength, and anointing and you will be secure that I am with you.
1.Soul power is not the same as strength of the spirit. We must recognize the difference Soul power is not necessarily evil or demonic, but it does not carry the true power of the spirit nor the same fruit Often connected to the religious spirit Characterized by strong sense of emotional passion, forced response, etc.
2.Root level sin We must learn to diagnose spiritually so that we are not simply spiritually medicating a result or fruit of a root sin. Example: chronic depression can have a root of self centeredness, fear, anger, or maybe simply physical in nature as the result of chemical imbalances. If we simply address the depression and not the root…it will reoccur.
3. Discipline What are the characteristics of an undisciplined child? What are the characteristics of an undisciplined believer? What are the characteristics of an undisciplined church?
4.Vision Vision will always be tested Visions or promises are often not immediate Not based on emotion/ this will defeat faith
5.Generational sin & curses Ex. 34:6-7 Need Gods revelation on this matter, however often we are battling much more than our own personal sin. If the bondage is truly linked generationally, often it is difficult for us to discern that it is even sin or bondage becomes it is so intertwined with our personality and identity. We will often struggle to let these things go, because they are familiar
5.Generational sin & curses (Contd.) Does it bear the fruit of the Spirit? Love, Joy, Peace, Patience, Kindness, Gentleness, self control If not, then there is a branch that is clogged and it needs ministry to draw from the tree of Life Are there words which are always used when referring to your family?
6. Consecration and sacrifice: Set apart, holy, no room for idolatry or impurity See Luke 18:18-27 for example of area not consecrated Set apart, turn to the Lord, and be prepared to be used What areas are not consecrated- job, ambition, material wealth, image, emotions, intellect..etc. Paul says that we are to offer up ourselves as living sacrifices to the Lord
6. Consecration and sacrifice (Contd.) There is no consecration without repentance and cleansing. This may be instant or it may be a process of crucifixion of flesh You must learn to feed the desires of your heart with the things of the Spirit and of God…if we only erase sin but do not drink from the source of life we are not truly ready to serve
7.Dont be tossed to and fro- In repentance and rest is your salvation, in quietness and trust is your strength. Isaiah 30:15 Wait to hear God Dont strive in the flesh