PRIVATE ORGANIZATIONS Operating Aboard Sheppard AFB 82 FSS Resource Management
Agenda Guest Speaker - Legal Briefing Guest Speaker - Public Health Briefing Program Overview Program Oversight Types of Private Organizations Establishment Operating Policies Prohibitions Fundraising Constitution and Bylaws Liability Insurance Financial Management Logistical Support Dissolution Summary Resources
Public Health
Overview AFI 34-223, Private Organizations (PO) Program POs are self-sustaining special interest groups. Set up by people acting exclusively outside the scope of any official capacity. They operate on Air Force installations with the written consent of the installation commander. POs are not Federal entities and are not to be treated as such. nor are they NAF instrumentalities (NAFIs) as defined in AFI 34-201.
Oversight AFI 34-223, AF Private Organization Program Private Organization Guide - 2012 HQ USAF/A1S - policy Installation Commander (delegated to MSG) Authorizes establishment/renewal / withdraws authorization Authorizes “OCCASIONAL” fund-raisers (Two per quarter) Authorizes insurance waivers FSS Commander/Director Monitors & administers PO Program / unofficial activities Approves PO and unofficial activity fund raisers (delegated to MSG during CFC/AFAF) FSS Resource Management (RM) Oversee PO Program - Not a police force Reviews POs annually It is your responsibility to ensure your file is up to date.
Types Official Private Organizations Any PO that has assets (cash, inventories, receivables, and investments) of $1000 over a 3 month period and have current documents on file in the RM Office. Unofficial Activities Small unofficial activities (like coffee funds, flower funds, sunshine funds, and other small operations) are generally not considered POs. However, if their current assets (which include cash, inventories, receivables, and investments) exceed a monthly average of $1,000 over a 3-month period, the activity/organization must become a PO, discontinue on-base operations, or reduce its current assets below the $1,000 threshold.
Establishment A PO must submit the following through the FSS PO Monitor: Constitution By-laws Insurance/Waiver Request Officials documentation Any other required documents Private Organization Monitor will route requests through official channels. FSS/RM/DD/CC TRW/JAG MSG/CC Once approval is received, the PO Monitor will then forward all approved and signed documents to the PO for retention.
Unauthorized To prevent the appearance of an official sanction or support by the DoD: POs activities MAY NOT use the seals, logos, or insignia of the DoD or any DoD Component, DoD organizational unit, or DoD installation on organizational letterhead, correspondence, titles, or in association with organization programs, locations or activities Limited exceptions to these rules can be found in AFI 34-223 POs MAY NOT use the name (material parts of the name) of any Air Force NAFI, e.g. Morale, Welfare, and Recreation (MWR) Fund or Lodging Fund POs must prominently display the following disclaimer on all print and electronic media mentioning the PO’s name confirming that the PO is not part of the DoD: “THIS IS A PRIVATE ORGANIZATION. IT IS NOT A PART OF THE DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE OR ANY OF ITS COMPONENTS AND IT HAS NO GOVERNMENTAL STATUS”
Unauthorized POs MUST BE SELF-SUSTAINING, primarily through dues, contributions, etc. There will be no financial assistance to a PO from a NAF or APF Source POs and unofficial activities/organizations WILL NOT engage in activities that duplicate or compete with AAFES or FSS activities POs WILL NOT engage in frequent or continuous resale “Resale” is defined as the sales of items or services at a markup intended to generate cash in excess of that needed to pay expenses; cash generated from rounding up costs to a sales price to make a sales price more convenient to the customer does not constitute resale POs ARE NOT AUTHORIZED to sell alcoholic beverages POs WILL NOT solicit gifts/donations from non-members of the PO on base Services MAY NOT CO-SPONSOR events with POs for the purpose of obtaining commercial sponsorship, contributions, donations, gifts, advertising, or generating revenue for the POs POs ARE NOT AUTHORIZED use of the DOD MWR Commercial Sponsorship program Soliciting for entities other than PO
Fundraising POs are allowed two fundraisers per quarter On/Off Base fundraiser forms should be submitted to the PO monitor no later than 30 days prior to event. If approval is not received in time, the PO may not conduct the fundraiser on OR off base. Requests must clearly state what is being sold/services provided and what the proceeds are being used for. Fundraising Rules !!! NO !!! Solicit funds or gifts on base (rules if off base) Compete with AAFES Serve or Sell Alcohol In the workplace In uniform/duty status During CFC or AFAF without 82 MSG/CC approval Gambling, Games of Chance/Raffles*
Constitution & Bylaws Required to be updated every 2 years and when there is a change in the purpose, function, officer change, or membership eligibility Must be signed by the president or chairperson of the PO Clearly defines: Nature Function Objectives Membership eligibility Source(s) of income Outline personal financial responsibility for each PO member Describe PO officer responsibilities Asset disposition procedures **Examples are available from the PO Monitor
Liability Insurance Every PO MUST HAVE either liability insurance or an insurance waiver on file. PO members must be aware that they are jointly and severally liable for the obligations of the PO, and their understanding of the liability must be documented. The absence of liability insurance places their personal assets immediately at risk in the event of PO liability Even with an approved waivers; PO should be aware that the commander may still require liability insurance for specific events that involve a greater risk of injury or damage. Liability insurance or an insurance wavier request must be submitted to the PO monitor annually for reevaluation in accordance with AFI.
Financial Statements Every PO must submit an annual income and expense statement as well as a balance sheet (not a bank statement template are available in the PO Guide) Depending on annual income, some POs may need to undergo audits and financial reviews at the PO’s own expense CPA $250K or more Accountant $100K but less than $250K
Logistics NO FUNDRAISING OFF LIMITS POs receive no support from the government. They provide for their financial needs and furnish their own equipment, supplies, and other materials. OFF LIMITS Use of government equipment Copiers Printers Computers Vehicles Use of government email EXCEPTIONS: Sharing of PO Booster Club Information with members of the booster club Communication with the PO Monitor NO FUNDRAISING
Dissolution In case of dissolution, funds in the treasury will be used to satisfy any outstanding debts, liabilities, or obligations The balance of assets will be disposed of as determined by the membership Examples include donation of residual assets to the installation morale, welfare, and recreation fund or contribution to an off-base charity (disposition must not reflect unfavorably upon the PO or the Air Force) PO should notify the FSS, prior to dissolution, of the intent to dissolve the PO and prepare a time-phased action plan to do so. Guidelines to consider prior to dissolution: Limit expenditures to those required to liquidate liabilities or pay essential bills PO assets will not be split among members or sold exclusively to members at dissolution. However, assets could be sold at a base-wide sale Notify vendors of dissolution and cancel outstanding orders Any unpaid obligations remain the responsibility of the PO members
Local Point of Contact: Resources Regulatory Guidance: AFI 34-223, Private Organizations (PO) Program AFI 34-201, Use of Nonappropriated Funds AFI 36-3101, Fund-raising within the Air Force 2012 Private Organization Guide Website: Local Point of Contact: Amanda Rose 82 FSS/FSR Private Org Monitor 426 5th Ave (Bldg 402), RM 251(2nd Floor) Sheppard AFB, TX 76311 DSN: 736-6180 COMM: 940-676-6180 DO NOT USE MS ROSE EMAIL.
Questions Thank You
Before you leave… Before you leave, ensure you’ve done a Folder Review with one of our representatives Any missing paperwork will be required : POC List Financial worksheets Insurance Waiver Request Last two Meeting Minutes Constitution and Bylaws & Review Request POs that fail to submit the required paperwork in the proper time will be suspended or dissolved