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Presentation transcript:

Ask questions Investigate Communicate results What do scientist do? Ask questions Investigate Communicate results

Vocabulary Lesson 1 Scientist – a person who asks questions about the natural world Science – the study of the natural world

Observation – information collected by using the five senses Investigation – a procedure carried out to gather data about an object or an event Hypothesis –an idea or explanation that can be tested with an investigation Inference – an untested conclusion based on observations

Inference – an untested conclusion based on observations

Vocabulary Lesson 3 Data - bits of information you observe Microscope – a tool for looking at objects that cannot be seen with the eye alone Pan balance – used to measure mass with units called grams (g) Spring scale -use to measure force in units called newtons (N)

Lesson 5 Model – something that represents the real thing Two-dimensional model – a type of model that has length and width (like a map or diagram)

Three-dimensional model – a type of model that has length, width, and height Computer model – a type of model made with a computer program that acts like the thing