CS 1302 Programming Principles II Dr. Clincy Professor of CS Course Description: The second course in computer science provides coverage of more advanced topics of object-oriented programming. This includes: the use of static variables and classes multi-dimensional arrays inheritance and polymorphism text files and exception handling recursion parameterized types Elementary data structures (linked lists, stacks, and queues) are introduced to solve application problems. Graphical user interfaces and event driven programming are also introduced. Students must continue to use good programming style including proper documentation. Dr. Clincy Introduction
Kick Off Dr. Clincy Introduction
Tentative Course Schedule: Subject to Change Final schedule shared by either 1/17/18 or 1/22/18 Dr. Clincy Introduction
Assessment Makeup exams will NOT be given; instead, the final exam will count in place of the missed exam; if the final exam is missed, an average of the other exams will be used. No finals will be given outside of the University finals schedule. Project assignments and labs MUST be turned in on time to receive full credit. Students will not be allowed to makeup missed project assignments or labs. Lab Work Grading Policy: Typically, each lab assignment is required to be accomplished in the corresponding lab session. Dr. Clincy Introduction
Assessment continued Project Grading Policy: Each project assignment is expected to be accomplished in the corresponding session. If you cannot finish a project assignment during the session, you are expected to finish it outside the class time and before the due date. Successfully completed programs must satisfy their requirements outlined in the programming assignments. The grade depends on the quality of the program. All projects are individual work. You are encouraged to discuss project assignments with other students and tutors as long as the following rules are followed: You may provide assistance on how to use any of the software used by this course. You view another student's code only for the purpose of offering debugging assistance. Students can only give advice on what to look for, but they cannot debug your code for you. All changes to your code must be made by you. Your discussion is subject to the empty hands policy, which means that you leave the discussion without any record (electronic or physical) of the discussion. Submissions that show identical code or slightly modified code will be considered plagiarism and are a violation of the Student Code of Conduct. For all project assignments, if a student consults any resource (other than the text and class notes) including another individual, this consultation must be documented on the submission. This documentation must include what (or who) was consulted and what information was obtained. Copying or paraphrasing code from another source or failure to provide this documentation will be considered a violation of the Student Code of Conduct. Due dates for labs and projects will be specified on the assignments themselves. Late labs and projects will be accepted up to 24 hours after the due date for 50% credit. Assignments submitted more than 24 hours late will not be accepted. Dr. Clincy Introduction
What do you think is the highlevel goal or objective of any college-level programming course ? Dr. Clincy Introduction
Response to question Answer Teach you a set of instructions for a particular language Teach you programming principles in general Prepare you for life long learning – languages will change This should be discussed at the start of the course versus the end – must have the correct mindset at the start Not the Answer Make you a skillful programmer Make you a knowledgeable Computer Scientist that can solve problems Analogy: “Learning an instrument” versus “Making great music” How can you become a skillful programmer and knowledgeable computer scientist Practice, Practice and Practice – experience No one else can “practice” for you Other Items To Think About If programming was easy, many more would be doing it – there is a “skill” and “knowledge” barrier-of-entry you must recognize – don’t take it personally – not entitled Everyone learns differently at different levels and different rates – don’t compare yourself to others – you “getting it” only matters (how much effort and time don’t matter) 1301 and 1302 are typically intro type courses for CS programs with significant failure rates – make a note of this history and decide if you will do the level and amount of work needed not fail – complaining and blaming is a total waste of your time and energy Are programming “bugs” bad and a total waste of time ? The only way to “really” learn any language and programming principles is to “practice” on your own for hours and hours – like any successful musician, athlete, tradesman, businessman, scientist, entertainer, etc.. Dr. Clincy Introduction