Cold War
Section 1 Peace and the New War A. At the end of WWII, a new conflict emerged, the Cold War. The Cold War was an ideological conflict between the U.S. and the Soviet Union.
United States VS Soviet Union United States Beliefs Democracy Government of the people. People elect their leaders. Capitalism Private ownership of industry, freedom of competition, gov’t keeps hand off of businesses (laissez-faire) Leads to different economic classes (rich and poor) Soviet Union Beliefs Totalitarianism Government led by a dictator. Total control over many aspects of peoples’ lives Socialism Gov’t owns industries and farms. The goal of the gov’t is to bring equality to people. The goal is to have a classless society with no rich or poor.
United States VS Soviet Union United States Beliefs Individualism Emphasizes the need for people to do things on their own. Competition is a good thing; the best individuals have more power, status, and money. Soviet Union Beliefs Collectivism Emphasizes the need for people to work together to benefit everyone. Everyone works the same amount and everyone gains the same benefits.
B. What Caused the Cold War. 1 B. What Caused the Cold War? 1. In 1917, Lenin led the Bolsheviks in the Russian Revolution & created the world’s first communist gov’t. 2. Distrust began when the USA sent troops to fight the “Red Army” during the Russian Civil War. 3. After Lenin’s death in 1924, Joseph Stalin became dictator of the Soviet Union. 4. During WWII, the USA/Great Britain & USSR worked together to defeat the Axis Powers. Although, Stalin never trusted the US or Britain during World War II.
C. In February 1945, Britain, U. S. , and the C. In February 1945, Britain, U.S., and the Soviet Union met at Yalta in southern Russia. By that time, they knew the Germans were going to be defeated during World War II. The Soviets were in control of much of Eastern and Central Europe.
Yalta Conference
D. Roosevelt (U. S. President) D. Roosevelt (U.S. President) favored the idea of self-determination for Europe. This meant that each country would choose its own form of government. Stalin (Soviet leader) agreed but secretly wanted a Communist buffer state between Western Europe and the Soviet Union.
E. Stalin feared that the Eastern European E. Stalin feared that the Eastern European nations would be anti-Soviet if they were allowed free elections.
F. Roosevelt wanted to create the United Nations an organization to help resolve international disagreements. Britain, U.S., and Soviet Union accepted Roosevelt’s plans and founded the United Nations in April, 1945.
G. The Allies agreed to divide Germany into four zones. The zones would be occupied and governed by France, Britain, U.S., and the Soviet Union.
H. The Potsdam Conference was held in July 1945. Roosevelt had died in late April 1945, being replaced by Harry Truman. Truman demanded free elections throughout Eastern Europe, but Stalin refused.
As a result, Eastern European nations turned communist & became Soviet satellites: nations that were influenced by the USSR
Decisions made at Potsdam SECTION 1 Aftermath of War in Europe Decisions made at Potsdam Germany should remain a single country, although it would be divided for the time being. Germany must be demilitarized. Nazi Party outlawed. Gov’t rebuilt on a democratic basis. War crimes trials would be held.
Aftermath of War in Europe Nuremberg Trials SECTION 1 Aftermath of War in Europe Nuremberg Trials 1945-46 Special international court Charged 22 Nazi leaders with crimes against humanity
I. Many Western leaders thought that the I. Many Western leaders thought that the Soviets intended to spread communism throughout the world. The Soviets saw the U.S. as promoters of global capitalist expansion.
J. In March 1946, Winston Churchill (Prime Minister of Britain) declared that an “iron curtain”had divided the continent. The Iron Curtain served to keep people in and information out of communist controlled countries. This iron curtain divided Europe into two hostile sides. Stalin viewed Churchill’s speech as a “call to war with the Soviet Union.”
Iron Curtain