UNIT SELF-TEST QUESTIONS The Unit Organizer NAME 4 BIGGER PICTURE DATE Divisions in America 2 LAST UNIT /Experience CURRENT UNIT: 3 NEXT UNIT /Experience 1 Reform Era Sectionalism Civil War 8 Unit Schedule 5 UNIT MAP is about... The regional tensions that divided the United States prior to the Civil War by *Map PA-Analogy with visual Quiz Explaining analyzing Dred Scott v Sandford How the North, South, & West were different economically and socially Analyzing Key Political Events of this era TRTW FRAME Comparison Compromise FRAME Vocab: Sectionalism, Compromise, Nullify, States Rights, and Protective Tariffs How were the North, South, and West different? (Economically, socially, physically) What did the Kansas Nebraska Act do? What did the Compromise of 1850 do? How successful were compromises at relieving regional tensions? Why was the Dred Scott decision important? Explain Analyze Compare Summarize 6 UNIT SELF-TEST QUESTIONS RELATIONSHIPS UNIT 7
The Unit Organizer Sectionalism NAME DATE Sectionalism CURRENT UNIT: Expanded UNIT MAP The regional tensions that divided the United States prior to the Civil War by Is about… How the North, South, & West were different economically, geographically, and socially is about... Explaining Analyzing Dred Scott v Sandford N – manufacturing, cotton mills, immigrant and women labor, railroads and canals connect it, urbanization and population booms Reforms are strong, especially abolition with underground railroad, high tariffs help the industrial North by making prices more competitive against cheap imports. S – plantations, cotton, slave labor, rural area, high tariff as a burden imposed by the more industrialized and populated north.. High tariffs on raw materials forced the South to sell their materials for low price W – more connected to north because of canals, roads, and railroads analyzing Dred Scott v. Sandford decision – it denied citizenship of enslaved people; enslaved people were considered property; made the Missouri Compromise unconstitutional because it limited areas allowed for slavery. The South favored the decision, but the North did not, causing further tension between the North and South. Key Political Events of this era Missouri Compromise – Missouri entered the Union as a slavery state and Maine entered as a free state. This Compromise also stated that north of the 36○30’ line, all states that entered the Union would be Free States. Compromise of 1850 – California admitted as a free state; slave trade abolished in Washington, D.C.; stronger slavery laws would be passed to help slaveholders recapture runaway enslaved people Fugitive Slave Law – required the return of escaped enslaved people to their slaveholders (pleased the South, angered the North because they felt it was immoral) Kansas-Nebraska Act – allowed for Kansas and Nebraska to organize on the basis of popular sovereignty (they would vote themselves to decide if they would be free or slavery states) PEOPLE John C. Calhoun- South Carolina Senator who favored states’ rights and led opposition in South Carolina to the protective Tariff of 1828. Henry Clay – Senator from Kentucky and known as the “Great Compromiser” for his ability to smooth sectional conflict through balanced legislation. He sponsored the Missouri Compromise in 1820, admitting Missouri as a slave state and Maine as a free state. Daniel Webster – Senator from Massachusetts known as “The Great Orator”; worked to create compromises with the southern states that would delay the start of the Civil War.
UNIT SELF-TEST QUESTIONS The Unit Organizer NAME 4 BIGGER PICTURE DATE 2 LAST UNIT /Experience 1 CURRENT UNIT: 3 NEXT UNIT /Experience Reform Era Civil War 8 Unit Schedule 5 UNIT MAP is about... The regional tensions that divided the United States prior to the Civil War by *Map and Concept Comparison over the sections of the United States PA- Analogy with visual Quiz Explaining analyzing How the were different Analyzing Key of this era Vocab: Sectionalism, Compromise, Nullify, States Rights, and Protective Tariffs How were the North, South, and West different? (__________________________________) What did the ________________________do? What did the ________________________ do? How successful were ______________at relieving regional____________? Why was the _______________decision important? Explain Describe Analyze Compare Summarize 6 UNIT SELF-TEST QUESTIONS RELATIONSHIPS UNIT 7
The Unit Organizer Sectionalism NAME DATE Sectionalism CURRENT UNIT: Expanded UNIT MAP The regional tensions that divided the United States prior to the Civil War by Is about… How the North, South, & West were different economically, geographically, and socially is about... Explaining Analyzing Dred Scott v Sandford analyzing Key Political Events of this era