Bishops Committee on Hispanic Affairs Secretariat for Hispanic Affairs
NineDevelopmental Stages for Ecclesial Integration From Guests to Hosts of the Faith Community
These stages are offered to develop Hispanic ministry in parish life and in other Catholic institutions and organizations They follow a developmental sequence that brings Hispanic Catholics, and other groups, from newcomers to stewards of the faith community It also transforms parishes into missionary and evangelizing faith communities that embrace all the baptized in their God-given human diversity Stages to Develop Hispanic Ministry NEWCOMERS STEWARSDS FROM GUESTS TO HOSTS
A.Developing A Sense of Belonging 1.Meet people where they are at 2.Make people feel at home 3.Develop ministries and ministers B. Weaving a New Diverse Community 4.Build relationships across cultures and ministries 5.Champion leadership development and formation 6.View and manage crisis as opportunities for growth C.Achieving Ownership and Stewardship 7.Open wide the doors to the decision making process 8.Sow and reap full ownership and stewardship 9.Achieve full commitment to the life and mission of the parish 3 Phases, 9 Stages
A) Developing a Sense of Belonging
Integration is not to be confused with assimilation. Through the policy of assimilation, new immigrants are forced to give up their language, culture, values, and traditions… By integration we mean that our Hispanic people [and Catholics from all cultures] are to be welcomed to our church institutions at all levels. They are to be served in their language when possible, and their cultural values and religious traditions are to be respected. Beyond that, we must work toward mutual enrichment through interaction among all our cultures. (NPPHM #4) Integration vs. Assimilation
Hispanic Catholics rejoice when other Catholics: Visit them with good news Affirm their gifts and contributions Invite them to the faith community to be at home away from home Stage 1: Meet people where they are at
Hispanics feel welcomed when they: Have the ecclesial space to be themselves Have room to develop their own sense of identity Adapt to a different culture from a position of strength Stage 2: Make people feel at home
Hispanics are empowered when: They provide for their own ministerial needs and aspirations Parish staff and leaders work with them to develop a comprehensive ministry Ministries include the four dimensions of Christian life modeled in the first Christian communities (Acts 2: 42-47) and included in Encuentro and Mission Stage 3: Develop ministries and ministers
B) Weaving a New Diverse Community
Hispanics are willing to: Share their stories, religious traditions and cultural richness Celebrate faith and life together with other ministries and cultures Build relationships, community and unity between Hispanics from different countries of origin and with the other cultural communities and ministries of the parish Stage 4: Build relationships across cultures and ministries
Hispanic leaders are eager to: learn and seek opportunities for ongoing faith formation and training for ministry invest time and talent in certificates and degree programs that are accessible be recognized and supported as ministers by the entire parish community Stage 5: Champion leadership development and formation
Hispanics seek more: Meaningful ways to be involved in the life of the faith community Responsiveness from all parsih staff on the needs and aspirations of their families and communities Recognition by parish leadership and structure as members on equal terms Stage 6: View and manage crisis as opportunities for growth
C) Achieving Ownership and Stewardship
Hispanics want: Space at the table where decisions are made on Hispanic ministry An active voice on the life and direction of the faith community as a whole A place in the parish council, parish staff and other decision making groups Stage 7: Open wide the doors to the decision making process
As disciples of Christ, Hispanics seek to: Contribute time, talent and treasure Build a culturally diverse faith community that is their own Be active participants of a community of faith in which all cultures are constantly transformed by Gospel values in order to be leaven for the kingdom of God in society Stage 8: Sow and reap full ownership and stewardship
Stage 9: Achieve full commitment to the life and mission of the parish Hispanics commit to: Strengthen the unity of the parish while honoring its diversity Be alert and ready to invite and welcome newcomers in their midst Become gente-puente by ministering with Catholics of all cultural backgrounds
CREDITS Project Coordinators Ronaldo Cruz, Executive Director Alejandro Aguilera–Titus, Associate Director Layout and Design Gerardo Gonzalez & Isaac E Govea Picture of Holy Family Michael O'Neill McGrath, OSFP Edited by Rosalva Castañeda, Project Specialist Carliss Parker-Smith, Consultant U.S. Bishops Committee on Hispanic Affairs Secretariat for Hispanic Affairs Production © 2004