TY Careers Introduction Mr. Courtney
Welcome The TY Careers Programme AIM of the Program – Helping you to make the right choices… Brief Program Outline Term 1 (of 3) Careers Interest and Aptitude Assessments Preparing for and visits to NUIG / UL / GMIT How to research college courses Feedback on your Interest/Aptitude Assessments You’ll undertake careers research. Preparation for Work Experience
EirQuest Interest and COA Aptitude Assessments Finding your occupational and academic interests (EirQuest) Finding your strengths re: Verbal Thinking Spelling Numerical Thinking Arithmetic Abstract Thinking Working Quickly and accurately Spatial Thinking With a view to generating a report….
The Report Combined report which summarises your interests noting your supporting aptitudes Why? Helping you to make the right decisions re Subject choices / college / career! Let’s take a quick look..
Let’s look at the Apttitude…. You’ll do this after the Interest assessment What to expect…
What is the Cambridge Profile? A battery of eight aptitude tests Assessing aptitudes/abilities Revealing thinking and learning skills Academic potential – independently from normal school forecasts Key strengths and weaknesses Paper based or online tests available
The Tests Working Quickly and Accurately - Part I (5 mins) Abstract Reasoning (9 mins) Numerical Reasoning (18 mins) Verbal Reasoning (7 mins) Spatial Reasoning 2D (5 mins) Spelling (5 mins) Spatial Reasoning 3D (7 mins) Arithmetic Calculation (10 mins) Working Quickly and Accurately - Part II (4 mins)
Working Quickly and Accurately Tests candidates speed and accuracy in matching symbols The first test is repeated as the last test but time reduced
Abstract Reasoning Tests the ability to discern abstract trends
Numerical Reasoning Tests the ability to recognise numerical relationships
Verbal Reasoning Tests the candidates ability to use verbal concepts logically
2D Spatial Reasoning Assesses the ability to think in 2-dimensional terms
Spelling Measures an ability to detect their own and other people’s spelling errors
3D Spatial Reasoning Assesses the ability to think in 3-dimensional terms
Arithmetic Calculation Tests the candidates ability to use arithmetic quickly and accurately
Let’s look at the Apttitude…. Now let’s look at the EirQuest Interest Assessment What to expect… About 30 mins / answer 200 questions Also asked … to name 3 occupations you might like leaving cert subjects and levels you might choose any disabilities/learning difficulties The Results of both assessments will give you …..
Your EirQuest Workbook Your own results in a bound workbook Selects from over 300 careers in 44 broad areas
Your Interest Profile and Overall Match 44 career areas displayed in descending order of interest Top 6 to 8 career areas selected for investigation – Your initial career preferences – High Overall Matches
Your Interest Profile and Overall Match Here we have the Interest Profile. (click) 44 broad career areas are displayed in descending order of interest, as percentages. The top 6 to 8 careers are selected for further investigation. These are in the shaded area. pupil’s initial career choices are indicated by the encircled i. High Overall Matches are indicated by the encircled m. (click – for zoom) Here is a close-up overview of the top selection of careers. (click – for highlight) First, we have a list of the 6-8 career areas. Next are the Interest Levels. These indicate the pupil’s relative strengths of interest in the careers listed. Overall Match, a measure of the pupil’s all round suitability for each career area. And lastly a list of subjects which may be frequently required or preferred for entry to universities or colleges.
Careers Selection Worksheets Review of your interest in this area Important supporting subjects Career areas Overall Match Relevant Cambridge Profile scores Career Check
Career Areas
Overall Match
Career Check
Cautionary Notes
Subject Selection Chart Subjects required for the top 6 or 7 careers areas Very strong support subject Strong/relevant subject Valuable but not absolutely essential at this stage Subjects which can enhance overall educational base
Subject Selection Chart
Subject Availability Chart Actual subjects at your school Used in association with subject selection chart Here is the subject selection chart (click) Actual subjects available at each school Used in association with subject selection chart
Subject Availability Chart Here is the subject selection chart (click) Actual subjects available at each school Used in association with subject selection chart
The Cambridge Profile (optional) Results shown in triple bar graph format percentile speed accuracy Summary of relevant results on each Careers Selection Worksheet
The Cambridge Profile (optional)
The Careers Directory Provides you with the facts to commence your research Fits the Careers Analysis Form Provides vital websites for up-to-date information In book and online format You will all receive a copy of the latest edition of The Careers Directory to help you start your research into chosen careers. It is designed so that a double page is allocated to each career and the layout of the subdivisions corresponds to the layout of the Investigation Records,which follow.
My Action Plan Provides a clear structure for research Stage 1: Understanding your careers workbook Stage 2: Investigating some suitable careers Stage 3: Selecting suitable post - 16 subjects An overview (click) Stage 1: Understanding your careers report Stage 2: Investigating some suitable careers Stage 3: Selecting suitable post - 16 subjects
Career Analysis Forms Enables you to summarise details of a given career Ideal means of making career comparisons Laid out using WORKBRIEF headings Synchronised with The Careers Directory Careers Analysis Forms (click) Enables the pupil to summarise details of a given career Ideal means of making career comparisons Laid out using WORKBRIEF headings Synchronised with the Trotman Careers Directory
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