[Title of your PhD] [Add your name here, name of supervisors, funding body name (if appropriate), name of University e.g. your affiliation] Hint: When formulating your title, think about what the relevant reporting guidelines from the EQUATOR Network say about what should be in a title and how it should be structured
1. Relevance of your research Here we briefly expect you to tell us about: Epidemiological context (prevalence, incidence, prognosis, impact, etc.) What we already know and what we do not know Why is further knowledge of importance? Theoretical and philosophical underpinnings e.g. biological, social, psychological, behaviour change, nursing, positivism, pragmatism, relativism, etc. European Academy of Nursing Science
2. Aims, Objectives and Research Question(s)) Here we briefly expect you to tell us about your: Aims Objectives Research questions formulated in accordance with relevant framework(s) e.g. PICOS, SPIDER or other European Academy of Nursing Science
3. Methodology and Method(s) Here we briefly expect you to tell us about your: Methodological approach(es) Methods you will employ to collect and analyse your data Hint: in PhDs with several sub-studies you might want to provide a broad study by study overview here European Academy of Nursing Science
4. Detailed research design Here we expect you to continue from previous slide: Full details of the method(s) used e.g. recruitment, participants/informants, sampling, type of sample, n, measures, data collection, type of analysis, outputs Intervention and components – if testing an intervention Links – integration if you use mixed methods Hint: you might want to focus on one specific sub-study if you are conducting multiple studies. We encourage you to use relevant protocol design components for your presentation – See last slide for www-links. European Academy of Nursing Science
4. Detailed research design (continued) Here we expect you to continue from previous slide: European Academy of Nursing Science
European Academy of Nursing Science References Here we expect you to replace the links below with the most important references relevant to your presentation: http://www.spirit-statement.org/wp- content/uploads/2013/01/SPIRIT-Checklist-download-8Jan13.pdf https://www.equator-network.org European Academy of Nursing Science