Statistical Data analysis and display Survey project Statistical Data analysis and display
How to conduct a survey
How to represent the data
Step 1: Statistical Question Write a non-biased survey question Example: how many hours do 6th graders at country springs spend online? Must have a numerical response Variety of responses Get it approved by teacher
Step 2: who will you survey? Define Population Example – my population is the 89 6th graders that attend country springs elementary school. Sample – how many will you survey? Example- I surveyed ten 6th graders from of each of the three classes; 30 6th graders in all. Type of survey Example - I used a Simple Random sample (SRS) to collect data. I used numbered sticks to randomly select 10 6th graders from each of the 6th grade classes. Simple Random sample (SRS) (everyone has equal chance) , systematic (every nth) , stratified (random within group) Questionnaire, interview, convenience Collect data – keep this data in chart
Create this page – page 1 (this goes after table of contents) TITLE: Research goals Statistical Survey Question Population: Sample: Describe how you will survey… Purpose: what to want to learn from your data? How will you use it? Add clip art to match your survey topic
Create this page – #2 Survey Question Table of data
Step 3: calculate measures of center Find measures of center: mean, median and mode Create a line plot to display data Find Measures of variance: range, median, q1, q2, iqr and outliers Create line plots Find mean absolute deviation (mad)
Create this – page 3 Survey question Mean, median, mode – create a box to include your data (use shapes) Interpret outliers – how do they affect measures of center? Create line plot – be sure to label
Measure of center
Create this page – Page 4 Measures of Variance Measures of Standard Deviation MAD
resources w/o3Uc
resources g3Uc
Step 3: display data -graphs 1 Create tally/frequency chart 2 Dot plot (interval 1) 3 Histogram (equal intervals that include all of your data) 4 Stem-and-leaf plot 5 Box-and-whisker-plot 6 *use excel, word, or create a graph
*You may put 1 or 2 graphs per page Stem-And-Leaf Create these pages *Pages 5-8 *You may put 1 or 2 graphs per page Histogram
Graphing data
Graphs continued
Step 4: Analyze results – create this page – Final page- write a paragraph summarizing your conclusions based on your data collection. Was your survey effective? did people know what you were asking? 8-10 sentences - typed Include measures of center – mean, median, mode, range What do they tell you about the data? Did you have outliers? How did they affect your measures? What observations can make from your graphs and charts? Use statistical language/vocabulary in your responses!
Step 5: create poster/notebook Create a folder to hold all of your data, charts, graphs and written conclusion Create a poster for the cover that details: Survey question Population Sample Survey method Results/conclusions Graphs/tables