Meter Specifications Meter should conform IEC 60687 / IS 14697 standards Minimum 8 digits LCD Display (Backlit) & clearly visible Meter should have clearly visible name plate identifying Meter Sr no, Meter constant, Purchase order no, Year of manufacture & Utility’s name Display parameters to be programmed by TPC as per consumer’s requirement
Meter Specifications Capability of recording load survey data for active energy, reactive energies, apparent energies, average pf for 40 days at 30 minutes interval Programmable MD (KVA) auto reset date on any defined day of month & time MD reset facility should be possible by – Auto reset feature, Push buttons, by Laptop & by MRI Meter should be capable of recording in its memory past 6 months data of KWh, KVARh, KVAh, MD with date & time
Meter Specifications Meters to be communicated by RS232/485 ports in-addition to optical port Meters should be programmable at site for TOD features with minimum 4 tariff slots – Tariff A : 22:00 to 06:00hrs Tariff B : 06:00 to 09:00 hrs & 12:00 to 18:00 hrs Tariff C : 09:00 to 12:00 hrs Tariff D : 18:00 to 22:00 hrs Sealing facility to be provided on Meter case, Terminal cover, Optical port & MD reset PB Meter terminal cover should be transparent
Meter Specifications Terminals should be properly marked on the terminal block Meter should have facility for meter reading using external power source during power failure Tamper detection features should be in-built in the meter for Log for Magnetic tamper up to 0.5 Tesla CT open circuit / CT short circuit Missing potential CT reversal
Meter Specifications All tampers should be logged with date & time Meter should record energy in forward direction even if one or more phase currents are reversed Meter should work accurately irrespective of phase sequence of supply Anomaly indicator on meter display should flash in case of any tamper
Meter Specifications The software for reading / programming the meter should be windows based & compatible with latest version of Windows Full Version software to be provided by the manufacturer Software encryption facility should be incorporated in the meter Hardware Interlock facility to be provided in the meter