This slide is not to be presented This presentation set is designed to be presented: BY: N/A – this is a resource to be run on a display screen – e.g. in a reception area or canteen. TO: All staff, students & visitors to the institution AIM: To promote what the UCCCfS is; and what everyone can do to contribute to the commitment.
This slide is not to be presented As this slide set is a generic set, for the use of all UCCCfS signatories, you will need to go through the slides, and adapt them slightly to suit your requirements. When preparing the slides, look at the “Speaker notes” for: suggestions on how to adapt slides to suit your institution Once slides are adapted to suit your institution, these slides can be run on free-play on a display screen, for example in a reception area; canteen; or LRC.
[insert email address] [insert ext number] Instructions for completing the slide: Insert the contact email and telephone extension number for your Facilities Department.
[insert email address here] Instructions for completing the slide: Insert the contact email address of yourself or key contact for suggestions.