By Assoc. Prof. Dr. Çağdaş OTO (SPLANCHNOLOGIA) By Assoc. Prof. Dr. Çağdaş OTO Ankara University Faculty of Vet.Med. Dept. of Anatomy
BODY CAVITIES The basic body cavity forms in two part as dorsal and ventral at the beginning of fetal stage in mammalians. After the development of the internal organs and diaphragma, the ventral cavity are subdivided into 3 parts as thoracic, abdominal and pelvic parts. Coto
BODY CAVITIES The wall that is shaping up all the cavities are constituted by the similar layers. It can be line up outside to inside as skin, subcutan fascia, musculo-skeletal structures, internal fascia and serous membran. Coto
THE MAJOR BODY CAVITIES Cavum thoracis (thoracic cavity) Diaphragma Cavum abdominis (abdominal cavity) Linea terminalis Cavum pelvis (pelvic cavity) Coto
THE THORACIC CAVITY Coto The space locates in front of the diaphragma, within the thorax It is bordered thoracic vertebra in dorsally, ribs in laterally and sternum ventrally. Pleura is the serous membrane lining the cavity Coto
THE THORACIC CAVITY Coto There are two openings of this chamber Apertura thoracis cranialis - Cranial thoracic opening (thoracic inlet) is the entrance into the thoracic cavity Apertura thoracis caudalis – Caudal thoracic opening (thoracic outlet) is the exit from the cavity. The exit is closed by diaphragma Coto
THE THORACIC CAVITY Coto The structures within the thoracic cavity; Cardiovascular organs; including the heart and great vessels (the aorta, the pulmonary artery, the cranial and caudal vena cava, the pulmonary veins) Respiratory organs; including trachea, bronchus and the lungs Esophagus, nerves, lympathic ducts Coto
THE THORACIC CAVITY Coto The depth (the height) of the thoracic cavity is longer than the width in domestic mammals as distinct from human. Examination tringle of the thoracal organs; Auscultation percussion, punction (thoracosentesis) areas Coto
DIAPHRAGM The dome-shaped skeletal muscle that is located as a sheet between the thoracic and abdominal cavities. It is the principle muscle concerned with respiration. With the moving of the muscle decreases or increases of thoracic volume during respiration. Dome : kubbe Convex : dışbükey Coto
DIAPHRAGM Coto There are two main parts of this separator; Pars muscularis Pars lumbalis (crural part) Pars costalis (costal part) Pars sternalis (sternal part) Pars fibrosa Centrum tendineum (tendinous center) Coto
DIAPHRAGM The diaphragm is pierced by a series of apertures permitting the passage of structures between the thorax and abdomen There are three openings on the diaphragm; * Aortic hiatus (is formed in the dorsal part) for the passage of the Aorta * Esophageal hiatus (is situated through the crura) Esophagus enters the abdomen * Caval foramen (is located at the midpoint) Caudal vena cava goes to the heart Coto
DIAPHRAGM Projection of the cranial part of the dome of the diaphragma is important clinically because of the convexty of this curtain. By this convexty the abdominal cavity has a secure part for vital organs such as liver and stomach under the rib bones as called intrathoracal part of abdominal cavity. Projection : izdüşüm Convex: içbükey Coto
ABDOMINAL CAVITY It is the largest body cavity, located behind the diaphragm and forward the terminal line of pelvic inlet. The space are filled by the visceral organs such as digestive (stomach, intestines, liver, gall bladder, pancreas ) and urinary organs (kidneys, ureters, urinary bladder) Coto
VENTRAL WALL OF THE ABDOMINAL CAVITY Regio abdominis cranialis (Epigastrium) Regio hypochondriaca S. Regio xiphoidea Regio abdominis media (Mesogastrium) Regio abdominis lateralis S. Regio umblicalis Regio abdominis caudalis (Hypogastrium) Regio inguinalis S. Regio pubica Coto
PELVIC CAVITY The space bounded by the coxae, sacrum and first two caudal vertebrae. Apertura pelvis cranialis – Apertura pelvis caudalis The last part of the digestive tract, genital organs and the urinary organs are located in this small cavity. Coto
SEROUS MEMBRANES A thin membrane lining the closed body cavities and covering the visceral organs inside of the cavity Cavum thoracis - PLEURA Cavum abdominis - PERITONEUM Cavum pelvis * - PERITONEUM * Coto
PERITONEUM Coto Parietal peritoneum Cavum peritonei, Liqeur peritonei Visceral peritoneum Intraperitoneal organs (suspended organs) Retroperitoneal organs Connetting peritoneum Omentum, Mesenteries, Ligaments, folds Coto
Omentum Omentum majus ; bursa omentalis, foramen epiploicum, vestibulum bursa omentalis Omentum minus ; lig.hepatogastricum, lig.hepatoduodenale Coto
Omentum Double layered peritoneum between the stomach and abdominal organs or abdominal wall Lesser omentum Connetc the stomach and duodenum to liver Greater omentum Connect the stomach to the abdominal wall Coto
Mesenterium Suspended peritoneal part between the intestinal tract and genital organs to the dorsal abdominal wall. It contains the blood vessels, lymphathics and nerves supplying their respective organs Coto
RECESS OF THE PERITONEUM Pouches of the peritoneal cavity are formed by the caudal reflection of the peritoneum between in the pelvic cavity Excavatio pararectalis (pararectal fossa) – located either side of the rectum Excavatio rectogenitalis (rectogenital pouch) – between rectum and genital organs Excavatio vesicogenitalis (vesicogenital pouch) – between genitals and bladder Excavatio pubovesicalis (vesicopubic pouch) – between the pubic and bladder Coto