2017 High School Counselor Workshop Making the best better…
2017 High School Counselor Workshop University System of Georgia Updates John Fuchko III Vice Chancellor for Organizational Effectiveness 2017 High School Counselor Workshop
2017 High School Counselor Workshop College Completion In 2013, 37.5 percent of Georgians had an associates degree or higher National average is 40 percent. 54/157 Georgia counties under 20 percent In order for our state of Georgia to thrive and grow economically we must graduate students with some form of post-secondary credential be it a certificate, an associates degree, a bachelor’s degree. By 2025, it is projected that over 60 percent of jobs in Georgia will require some form of a college education, whether a certificate, associate’s degree, or bachelor’s degree. (USG CCG website) 2017 High School Counselor Workshop
2017 High School Counselor Workshop The Board of Regents and the University System of GA.’s Commitment to Student Access, Success and Student/Family Costs There are many initiatives that we at the system office are actively engaged in with our campuses to provide access and affordability - particularly freshmen success as I am talking to an audience of high school counselors. I would like to highlight a few of them today. 2017 High School Counselor Workshop
Access and Affordable Options Admissions State Colleges State Universities Comprehensive Universities Research Ones Maybe share that we have very open admissions at our state colleges to very select admissions at our Research Ones- (we have options for all types of students) For some students saving costs in the first two years is very important to them so a state college may be a solution- and then later transfer to another institution – The USG has a common core whether the student attends a state college or a state university- they take the same courses. 2017 High School Counselor Workshop
2017 High School Counselor Workshop SAT (Newly Revised) http://www.usg.edu/assets/student_affairs/documents/USG_Admission_Requirements_FINAL.pdf 2017 High School Counselor Workshop
Access to Core Curriculum MOWR Which program to use - http://www.usg.edu/assets/student_affairs/documents/MOWR_Admissions_Guidance.pdf TCSG/USG Transfer Chart - http://www.usg.edu/assets/academic_affairs_handbook/docs/GE_transfer_chart_final16.pdf GATRACS /accessed through GAfutures account Links DE/MOWR admission requirements, deadlines, etc. for every USG institution are available on our website at http://www.usg.edu/student_affairs/students/mowr_dual_admission. DE/MOWR coordinator and these contacts are listed on our website at http://www.usg.edu/institutions/directories/move_on_when_ready_contacts/ High School Counselor Section Under Development –Contact sarah.wenham@usg.edu with idea 2017 High School Counselor Workshop
Access and Affordability to USG Curriculum 2017 High School Counselor Workshop
2017 High School Counselor Workshop Affordability Scale/ Leverage Quality Intensive Support Completion Accessibility High Demand Career Emphasis Access and Affordability The BOR approved a tuition decrease to $169 for eCore, effective Fall 2014 and to $159 effective Fall 2017. Effective Fall 2016, the BOR approved a decrease in USG eMajor tuition from $250 per credit hour to $199 per credit hour. 2017 High School Counselor Workshop
Access and Affordability Affordable Learning Georgia Open Education Resources (OER) Contact Jeff.Gallant@usg.edu The majority of online general education core curriculum from eCampus uses free textbooks. Many of our institutions have created free textbooks for their courses in order to bring down the costs for students and families. 2017 High School Counselor Workshop
2017 High School Counselor Workshop 15 to Finish How long should it take to finish a college degree? Why should students care about finishing on time? On average a student if he/she finishes their bachelor degree will have spent 6 years doing it- students change majors, take courses without a direction or plan, they “stop out” to earn money, etc. The USG worked with our campuses to promote 15 to Finish to guide students on a pathway to completion. Finishing on time saves students money, in some cases thousands of dollars (student debt) Finishing on time saves students time. They can start earning a salary earlier. 2017 High School Counselor Workshop
2017 High School Counselor Workshop What students need to know to finish on time! Minimum of 120 credits 8 semesters, students need to take 15 credits per semester. Courses are 3 credits/5 courses per semester. 2017 High School Counselor Workshop
2017 High School Counselor Workshop Guided Pathways: Academic Program Maps to Degree Completion Key student milestones! Advising triggers when students go off course! 2017 High School Counselor Workshop
2017 High School Counselor Workshop Q and A 2017 High School Counselor Workshop