ECOLOGY OF THE SEASHORE lecture resources Bringing ecology to life ECOLOGY OF THE SEASHORE A complete seashore sampling and quantification course on CD-ROM. PowerPoint presentations showing the species you are likely to find and the techniques you need. LECTURE 6 ECOLOGY OF THE STRANDLINE Photography, text & design by Dr James Merryweather
THE STRANDLINE At every high tide, the sea casts large 2 At every high tide, the sea casts large quantities of ‘flotsam’ onto the shore THE STRANDLINE
THE STRANDLINE Besides domestic refuse, ‘jetsam’ from ships, 3 Besides domestic refuse, ‘jetsam’ from ships, leaves, twigs and logs, most is dead seaweed THE STRANDLINE
THE STRANDLINE High tides vary between high springs and low 4 High tides vary between high springs and low neaps, so a series of strandlines can be deposited THE STRANDLINE
Different tides bring in different strandline material 5 Leaves Seaweed Different tides bring in different strandline material THE STRANDLINE
In autumn, cast up leaves can be very diverse and well mixed 6 In autumn, cast up leaves can be very diverse and well mixed THE STRANDLINE Oak, Birch, Willow, Ash, Rowan, Alder, Hawthorn
When first cast up, seaweeds are plainly recognisable . . . 7 When first cast up, seaweeds are plainly recognisable . . . THE STRANDLINE
Kelp fragments with egg, bladder & serrated wracks 8 Kelp fragments with egg, bladder & serrated wracks THE STRANDLINE
Seaweed rots rapidly as micro- organisms use it as a food source 9 Seaweed rots rapidly as micro- organisms use it as a food source THE STRANDLINE
THE STRANDLINE Orchestia gamarellus 10 Orchestia gamarellus It becomes a thick, smelly soup, the ideal home for sandhoppers and the larvae of seaweed flies THE STRANDLINE
THE STRANDLINE Above the high tide line, shingle fertilised 11 Above the high tide line, shingle fertilised by dead seaweed is home to a range of plants THE STRANDLINE
Many strandline plants are seashore specialists 12 Many strandline plants are seashore specialists THE STRANDLINE
Tripleurospermum maritimum 13 Sea mayweed Tripleurospermum maritimum THE STRANDLINE
14 Sea campion Silene uniflora THE STRANDLINE
15 Sea aster Aster tripolium THE STRANDLINE
Cochlearia officinalis 16 Scurvey grass Cochlearia officinalis THE STRANDLINE
Atriplex glabriuscula 17 Babbington’s orache Atriplex glabriuscula THE STRANDLINE
THE STRANDLINE Rumex crispus Others are (or have become) weeds 18 Rumex crispus Others are (or have become) weeds of agricultural land and waste places THE STRANDLINE
THE STRANDLINE Curled dock Rumex crispus Goosegrass Galium aparine 19 Galium aparine Rumex crispus Curled dock Rumex crispus Goosegrass Galium aparine THE STRANDLINE
20 Silverweed Potentilla anserina THE STRANDLINE
21 Chickweed Stellaria media THE STRANDLINE
22 BEACH COMBING - A strandline searcher may discover many treasures: biological, intriguing, even profitable.