Goal of Action Plan Implementation Goal of Action Plan is to implement a list of actions relevant for boosting the uptake of ICT in the water sector across different domains while addressing the key challenges the sector is facing within a 2030 timeframe Dynamic and flexible approach to adapt to a fast-changing environement – future actions Actions to be launched between 2018 – 2030 (max 5 years each)
WssTP’s role in implementing the Action Plan 1) Set up a Digital Innovator of the Year Award & Digital Water Interoperability Award 2) Promote and organize events to foster collaboration between key stakeholders in the water sector 3) Foster link between WssTP’s digital water cluster & WG and other relevant associations in the digital space (e.g. Data & IoT associations) as well as vertical groups (i.e. Smart cities, Industry & Agriculture) 4) Stimulate digital water investment priorities within WssTP’s Water Market Event 5) WssTP will advocate for policies that foster innovation and reduce the barriers in order to stimulate the uptake of digital water technologies
Implementation of Actions (1) 1. Interoperability and standardization Procurement for a review of current state of water standards Promotion in the framework of standardization bodies Digital water interoperability award Cross European data-water association / ICT4Water cluster WG European, national, regional public funding schemes 2. Data sharing Collaboration between cross European data-water association / ICT4Water cluster WG + water management authorities European-wide water data-sharing regulations, also across sectors European, national and regional public funding schemas
Implementation of Actions (2) 3. Smart Water & Governance Strong commitment from EU Framework Programs (H2020, FP9, etc.) European, national, regional public funding schemes Private sector investments Smart Water awards promoted by WssTP Cross European data-water association / ICT4Water cluster WG 4. Cybersecurity
Implementation of Actions (3) 5. Actors awareness about digital water Close collaboration between associations and WGs (e.g. WssTP horizontal / vertical clusters) Provide visibility to the leaders through awards, organization of digital-water related conferences European-wide policies such as water footprint, open data, etc. European, national, regional public funding schemes Private sector investments
Implementation of Actions (4) 6. Policy New policies & standards promoted by DGs Review water directives including ICT experts European, national, regional public funding schemes Private sector investments Cross European data-water association / ICT4Water cluster WG 7. Business models Stimulate water sector private investment (e.g. Water Market Europe) Close collaboration between associations and WGs (e.g. WssTP horizontal / vertical clusters)
Implementation Instruments (1) A) EU implementation instruments EU Framework Programs European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) and the Cohesion Fund European Fund for Strategic Investments (EFSI) European Structural and Investment Funds (ESI Funds) Small and medium-sized companies (the COSME programme) Horizon 2020, the EU research and innovation funding programme FP9 research program Priorities to be considered by the Departments and Executive Agencies Strategies of the different DGs (i.e. DG CONNECT, DG HOME, DG ENV, DG AGRI, DG CLIMA, DG ENER, DG RTD, EASME, DG GROW, DG DEVCO, EEA) for a coordinated undertaken effort EU-level appropriate policies & regulations (e.g. real-time measurement)
Implementation Instruments (2) B) Other national, regional & international public instruments Public private partnerships (PPPs) European Investment Bank (EIB) Member State funds Regional funds
Implementation Instruments (3) C) Water sector Establish collaboration between cross-domain / cross-sectorial working groups (e.g. ICT4Water Cluster, WssTP, AIOTI, standardization bodies, other vertical sector associations) such as creation of a formal European data-water working group Sponsor prizes and other related incentives to stimulate innovation Organize specialized events focused on digital water and its intelligent development Stimulate and allocate private resources for the research, development and deployment of smart water technologies (e.g. WssTP Water Market Europe)
The implementation of the action plan requires a collective, coordinated effort and commitment all stakeholders: EC, Government (National, regional and local), Regulators, Consumer organisations, Research and data provision, Water industry, Utilities, distributors.
Thank you! Andrea Rubini Scientific & Policy Manager, WssTP andrea.rubini@wsstp.eu Montse Mussons WssTP’s Water & ICT WG leader mmussons@cetaqua.com