Latin 1 Mr. zboril | Milford PEP Chapter 2 Verbs, Vocabulary, and 1st Conjugation Mr. zboril | Milford PEP
Chapter 16 Imperative Mood and Vocative Case Salvē Discipulī! Quid es? This Photo by Unknown Author is licensed under CCBY-NC-SA
Chapter 16 Imperative Mood and Vocative Case The mood of a verb indicates the attitude of the subject towards the action that takes place. Up until now you have seen only the indicative mood. This mood simply indicates the action that is taking place. In this section, we will discuss the imperative mood. This is used when giving an order or issuing a command. They almost always appear in the 2nd person since you will be giving the command to the person or persons to whom you are speaking. Chapter 2 Verbs, Vocabulary, and 1st Conjugation
Chapter 16 Imperative Mood and Vocative Case Forming verbs in the imperative mood is fairly simple. The singular imperative is simply the stem of a verb. The plural imperative involves adding –te to the stem. Chapter 2 Verbs, Vocabulary, and 1st Conjugation
Chapter 16 Imperative Mood and Vocative Case Person Singular Plural 1st Conjugation amā amāte you love you all love 2nd Conjugation tenē tenēte you hold you all hold 3rd Conjugation mitte mittite you send you all send 3rd Conjugation -io cape capite you seize you all seize Chapter 2 Verbs, Vocabulary, and 1st Conjugation
Chapter 16 Imperative Mood and Vocative Case Form the singular and plural imperative for each of the following verbs: doceo, docēre (to teach) ōrnō, ōrnāre (to adorn) surgō, surgere (to rise) iaciō, iacere (to throw) docē docēte Chapter 2 Verbs, Vocabulary, and 1st Conjugation ōrnā ōrnāte surge surgite iace iacite
dīcō dīcere (to say) dūcō dūcere (to lead) faciō facere (to do) Chapter 16 Imperative Mood and Vocative Case The verbs dīcō dīcere (to say), dūcō dūcere (to lead), faciō facere (to do), and ferō, ferre (to bring) have an irregular form to the singular imperative. dīcō dīcere (to say) dūcō dūcere (to lead) faciō facere (to do) ferō ferre (to bring) dīc dīcite Chapter 2 Verbs, Vocabulary, and 1st Conjugation dūc dūcite fac facite fer ferte
Chapter 16 Vocative Case The vocative case is used when speaking directly to someone or something. Most declensions use the same forms for both the nominative and vocative cases. Not surprisingly, the vocative case is frequently used with the imperative mood. Chapter 2 Verbs, Vocabulary, and 1st Conjugation
Students, read your books. Discipulī, librōs legite. Chapter 16 Vocative Case Students, read your books. Discipulī, librōs legite. Chapter 2 Verbs, Vocabulary, and 1st Conjugation
Chapter 16 Imperative Mood and Vocative Case Declension Nominative Vocative 1st Declension puella, puellae 2nd Declension puer, puerī discipulus,discipulī discipule,discipulī fīlius, fīliī fīlī, fīliī 3rd Declension rēx, rēgēs Chapter 2 Verbs, Vocabulary, and 1st Conjugation
Chapter 16 Imperative Mood and Vocative Case Questions? Chapter 2 Verbs, Vocabulary, and 1st Conjugation
I can stay afterwards for extra help Instructor Contact Information cell: 513-375-7552 Class Time 2pm Tues & Thurs I can stay afterwards for extra help Chapter 2 Verbs, Vocabulary, and 1st Conjugation