Urban Charter Schools Impact in Washington DC March 2015
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Impact Research Questions This impact study answers the following questions: How does the academic progress of charter school students compare to their traditional public school (TPS) counterparts in Washington DC? We examine: Total average academic growth for all charter students relative to TPS Average academic growth for charter school students for separate time periods Charter school student growth by elementary / middle / high school grade levels Charter school student growth by prior year academic achievement Charter school student growth by the major student subgroups Charter school student growth by the number of years student continuously attended charter schools For the group of charter schools in Washington DC, how do they perform compared to their peer schools in the same community?
A Quick Word About Methods Charter school students may be different than a typical student in TPS, so care is needed in testing their learning gains. We use a “Virtual Twin” approach to match each charter school’s students to TPS students who look just like them drawn from the TPS schools that have lost students to the charter school. A Technical Appendix provides a full explanation of our research methodology.
A Quick Word About Methods Unlike other recent CREDO studies, this study does not include a conversion of effect sizes to days of learning. As the days of learning computation is based on the national NAEP scores, it would not be appropriate to apply it to the limited regional samples which almost certainly DO NOT progress at the same rate as the national population.
Understanding the Slides Average Academic Growth for Charter School students relative to performance of Virtual Twins in Traditional Public Schools in Urban Region– There are two growth values for reading. The left is for TPS students and the right for Charter students There are also two growth values for math. As before, the left is for TPS students and the right for Charter students These are the marginal effects of charter enrollment. The left is for reading and the right for math. This graph looks at the difference between the charter and TPS growth values. 0.03 – 0.08 - 0.05 -0.01 – 0.05 - 0.06 Average TPS Growth Average TPS Growth To compute the difference, we take the Charter growth value minus the TPS growth value for each subject.
Student-Level Results Average Academic Growth for Charter School students relative to performance of Virtual Twins in Traditional Public Schools in Washington DC– ALL STUDENTS Average TPS Growth Average TPS Growth
Student-Level Results Average Academic Growth for Charter School students relative to performance of Virtual Twins in Traditional Public Schools in Washington DC– ALL STUDENTS by Growth Period Average TPS Growth
Student-Level Results Average Academic Growth for Charter School students relative to performance of Virtual Twins in Traditional Public Schools in Washington DC– ALL STUDENTS by Gradespan Average Elementary TPS Growth
Student-Level Results Average Academic Growth for Charter School students relative to performance of Virtual Twins in Traditional Public Schools in Washington DC– ALL STUDENTS by Years of Charter School Enrollment Average TPS Growth This analysis includes only students who entered a charter school after 2006-2007.
Student-Level Results Average Academic Growth for Charter School students relative to performance of Virtual Twins in Traditional Public Schools in Washington DC– ALL WHITE STUDENTS Average White TPS Growth Average White TPS Growth
Student-Level Results Average Academic Growth for Charter School students relative to performance of Virtual Twins in Traditional Public Schools in Washington DC– ALL ASIAN STUDENTS Average White TPS Growth Average Asian TPS Growth
Student-Level Results Average Academic Growth for Charter School students relative to performance of Virtual Twins in Traditional Public Schools in Washington DC– ALL NATIVE AMERICAN STUDENTS Average White TPS Growth Average Native American TPS Growth ‡ There were not enough Washington DC Native American students in Reading or Math to compute an effect size.
Student-Level Results Average Academic Growth for Charter School students relative to performance of Virtual Twins in Traditional Public Schools in Washington DC– ALL BLACK STUDENTS Average White TPS Growth Average Black TPS Growth
Student-Level Results Average Academic Growth for Charter School students relative to performance of Virtual Twins in Traditional Public Schools in Washington DC– ALL HISPANIC STUDENTS Average White TPS Growth Average Hispanic TPS Growth
Student-Level Results Average Academic Growth for Charter School students relative to performance of Virtual Twins in Traditional Public Schools in Washington DC– ALL STUDENTS ELIGIBLE FOR FREE / REDUCED PRICE LUNCH Average Non-Poverty TPS Growth Average TPS in Poverty Growth
Student-Level Results Average Academic Growth for Charter School students relative to performance of Virtual Twins in Traditional Public Schools in Washington DC– ALL BLACK STUDENTS in POVERTY Average White, Non-Poverty TPS Growth
Student-Level Results Average Academic Growth for Charter School students relative to performance of Virtual Twins in Traditional Public Schools in Washington DC– ALL HISPANIC STUDENTS in POVERTY Average White Non-Poverty TPS Growth
Student-Level Results Average Academic Growth for Charter School students relative to performance of Virtual Twins in Traditional Public Schools in Washington DC– ALL ENGLISH LANGUAGE LEARNERS Average Non-ELL TPS Growth Average ELL TPS Growth
Student-Level Results Average Academic Growth for Charter School students relative to performance of Virtual Twins in Traditional Public Schools in Washington DC– ALL STUDENTS with SPECIAL EDUCATION NEEDS Average Non-SPED TPS Growth Average SPED TPS Growth
Student-Level Results Average Academic Growth for Charter School students relative to performance of Virtual Twins in Traditional Public Schools in Washington DC– ALL STUDENTS WHO WERE RETAINED IN PRIOR YEAR Average Non-Retained TPS Growth Average Retained TPS Growth