I pledge my head to clearer thinking, my heart to greater loyalty, my hands to larger service, my health to better living, for my club, community, my country, and my world. This is the pledge that millions of 4-Hers across the globe live by. If you’re not one of those youth yet, why not join today! 20 seconds
Too many people think of 4-H as being all about baking, crops, ,and livestock. 6 seconds.
4-H is so much more than that 4-H is so much more than that. Whether you’re into sports, crafts, speaking, photography – Well actually if you have any interests at all – 4-H is the program for you. 12 seconds.
4-H is simply diverse. It is the only youth program for all ages, races, genders and backgrounds. 8 seconds.
So if you thought 4-H was only for kids from farm, forget it --- 4-H is more complex than you’ve ever imagined. 7 seconds.
Are You Into It? Join Today By Contacting Your Local Extension Office So, are you into it? Join today by contacting your local extension office! 7 seconds.