Buying Used Computers Alan Chook
What do you Currently Use? Windows PC? Windows 10? Windows 8? Windows 7? Older? Mac? 3 Years Old or Newer? Older than 3 years old?
Windows Drastic Changes between OS Versions Windows 95 - XP - 2000 - 7
Windows 8
WIndows 10
Macintosh OSX Tiger - 2005
macintosh osx sierra
What to look for Condition Screen Appearance Battery - Test running at least 5 minutes Log in and Log off - Make sure passwords are known
devices Check Screen Condition Check battery run time Test Cameras Verify logged off online services such as iCloud
cellular devices Check at carrier if possible Call carrier if necessary Make sure no outstanding balance on account Verify signed out of iCloud if Apple Device
summary Always verify all functionality Do research on device Warranty if possible Clear of all logins / passwords Make sure deal isn’t too good.
Thank you!
1821 E. Southern Ave. Tempe, AZ 85282 Pfdf The Apple xchange 1821 E. Southern Ave. Tempe, AZ 85282 Pfdf