Identity of the survey: October - December 2016 Data collection tool: questionnaire It was distributed to all Partner Organizations by e-mail. Completed by the responsible person in charge of the Implementation in each Partner Organization It contains 33 questions - open ended
Aim of the survey To investigate the degree of preparation and the capacity of Beneficiaries and their Partners to meet the requirements of the Program
Research axes The survey covered four (4) thematic areas A. Information - Publicity B. Flexibility, coherence and response of the Partner Organization to the requirements of the Program both on the end-recipients and the Partners C. Plan of action followed and problems identified with regard to the receipt, storage and distribution of food D. Synergies at local level
Questionnaire (57 bodies)
ANSWERS In terms of publicity - promotion, all of the P.O. used: Press Releases Local newspapers Local radio and local area channels Posters Leaflets
Implementation 548 volunteers were involved in the distribution (volunteers did not participate only in 12 Social Partnerships) 1284 Municipality employees have been involved in the distribution of products 6 Partner Organization reported that the distribution points were not adequate and accessible (cause of mountainous areas of the country)
Abstinence In 5 Partner Organizations, the abstinence of the beneficiaries reached 30%, while in the rest it ranges between 5% and 10%. The main reason reported was due to moving to another area, wrong telephone number, the place of residence is far away from the point of distribution, unattractive food package, the initial impression that it is a food card rather than food distribution, personal reasons for example they do not want to be exposed publicly
Accompanying Measures Except of meetings concerning nutritional advices and cooking healthy or legal support etc. they implementing accompanying measures such as (indicatively): Information - Prevention of: addictions and drugs, Sexually Transmitted Diseases, Domestic Violence, Training in medical first aid, Theatrical Group game for ROMA children,
Accompanying Measures Prevention and coping with school failure and school bullying Social Learning Centers, Fighting School Dropout - Learning Child Support,
Synergies at a local level 12 Partner Organizations reported synergies with the ESF. (e.g. co-operation and referral to crèches and nurseries, cooperation with Roma Centers, cooperation with the Home Assistance Program) 5 Partner Organizations reported synergies with the Community Centers.
Synergies at a local level The most important synergy is the interface between FEAD and Guaranteed Minimum Income (G.M.I.). Since the 1st of June 2017 the end-recipients of the GMI are end-recipients of the FEAD programme too.
Problems Almost all Partner Organizations reported problems identified by the lack of staff, necessary for food and basic material distribution, but mainly stuff regarding the preparation of procurement proclamation concerning food supplies, contracts, technical bulletins etc.
Proposals All the Partner Organizations reported the necessity for training in the following issues: Anger Management Management of stress in the work place Crisis management Behavior towards vulnerable groups Seminars on food handling Seminars on the drafting of declarations and contracts
CONCLUSIONS Combining the results of this research with the mid-term evaluation which will be completed and delivered by the end of this month, we believe that the following issues should be explored: • What is the reason for this abnormal abstention which is observed in some areas of the country?
CONCLUSIONS • How we can mobilize more volunteers not only in the part of distributing products but also in the implementation of accompanying measures • How will the process of reducing food waste be strengthened and how the benefits of implementing actions (e.g. job creation, economic reasons, etc.) will be widely known?
Thank you for your attention